14: Auditions

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Barry always felt a flicker of uneasiness when bringing somebody new into the cortex, for so many times it had harboured traitors and liars. That room, was the core of team flash. The flashing monitors pulsed like a heart beat. Here they had struggled. Here they had lost. Here they had rejoiced. This was where Barry had awoken from his coma. This was where Zoom had nearly killed him. This was where they worked every single day to protect the people of Central City. Bringing strangers in felt wrong. Like he was defiling something sacred, and yet, it had to be done.

Team Flash was scattered around the main cortex, staring up a Diddy with critical eyes. There was a buzz of tension and unease thicker than fog. "You are the last remaining potential victim connected to the Jason Mort case," Barry told him, the Flash cowel concealing his features. "If you work with us, we can find a way to keep you safe."

Diddy cast a critical eye up and down him, pressing his lips into a thin line. "Like you did for Smythe?" he drawled. Barry's chest tightened, his jaw clamping shut.

"We didn't have the opportunity to begin protecting Smythe, but we do with you," Caitlin spoke softly, crossing one leg nearly over the other.

"We can set up alerts and silent alarms in your office and warehouses that will inform us the second you are in danger," Cisco told him.

"You make a compelling offer, but unfortunately I am not interested," Diddy told them firmly, his features set in stone.

"You saw what came after you," Cisco's voice hitched. "A werewolf, a literal werewolf, and you don't even care?"

"Don't take my rejection as apathy, Ramone," Diddy's voice sharpened. "I was made more than aware of the monsters set after me when twelve of my employees were torn to ribbons." Cisco's lips pressed into a thin line. "I thank you for your offer, but this is a personal matter and will be dealt with as such." Striding past the team, he began his exit from the cortex.

"A personal matter..." Barry mumbled. "Diddy!" he cried, jogging out into the hallway behind the businessman. Diddy stopped and peered back over his shoulder. "You know who the wolf is, don't you," he snapped. Diddy's eyes hardened. "The police report states that there was no forced entry into your home. It was somebody you trusted enough to let in or give a key to." Diddy remained silent.

Barry blew out a long and exasperated breath. "Tell us who is doing this," he all but begged. "Let us protect those in danger who might actually want it."

Diddy shook his head slowly. "I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about." Barry's eyes narrowed, his chest tightening.

"Any more deaths that happen are on your head," Barry jabbed an accusing finger in his direction.

"I think you'll find, they are all on my head," Diddy tutted, making his final retreat. Clenching and unclenching his fists, Barry blew out a long breath and watched as Diddy's form vanished around the corner.

Shaking his head, he returned to the Cortex and into the sights of his awaiting team members. They shot him knowing looks. "That went as well as expected," Harry rumbled gruffly.

"We'll protect him as we can," Barry shrugged. "Until then, we should investigate his personal life and find out who he is close to."

"Then maybe we should start by speaking to his brother," Iris offered.

"I'll arrange a meeting," Joe told them.

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