42: Tipsy Turvy

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Henry was collapsed in one of the cortex seats when Barry found him. Sweat coated his skin and every part of his body ached. The cooling rush of air accompanied by Barry's speedy entrance blew over Henry's hot and sweaty skin. By now, there was nobody else in sight, the lights dimmed for nighttime and the distant sound of a heart monitor beeping.

Barry peeled back his cowl, his eyes sympathetically scanning his father. He was panting lightly, a slight, glossy sheen of sweat on his skin. "That's the whole Helix building searched." He shook his head. "Nothing."

Henry let out a low rumble. "It would have been too easy to find a secret lab there in the aftermath of the party," Henry let out a bitter sigh. "Everyone is stable," he continued, running his hand back through his hair. "Santana has been taken back to her chamber, the assassin has been locked in the pipeline and Sebastian is back in your nighttime nap room." He scratched his stubble. "I think we're all settled for the night."

"You should go home," Barry leaned down to sit on the desk. "It's been a long night."

"Yeah," Henry, rubbed his face with a weathered palm. "I'm getting to old for this," he chuckled. Barry cast him a sympathetic smile, squeezing his father's shoulder firmly. Henry let out a short breath, his eyes dropping to the floor. "Is something wrong?" Barry tilted his head to one side.

"Sebastian, Tiger, nearly killed that assassin," Henry spoke gently, scratching at his stubble. "The way it is, he could take control of Sebastian at any point and kill any one of us." His heavy eyes flicked to Barry. "When you sleep next to him you're leaving yourself very vulnerable."

Barry dropped his eyes to the ground. "I know," his voice crackled. "The other Lucan's are controlled in the chamber but..." he blew out a breath and cast his eyes to Henry. "We can't do that to Sebastian." He scratched the back of his head. "It could hurt him."

"It could temporarily hurt him," Henry reminded him. "We can speak to him when he is sober, but we learned today that you are no match for Tiger." He hit down on a nail. "Maybe temporary disability during the night is what we have to do to keep you safe, Bar." Henry scratched his beard. "Maybe the constant healing will keep Tiger at bay."

"Maybe," Barry cleared his throat and nodded stiffly.

The noise of footsteps caused both Henry and Barry to lift their heads towards the door. Caitlin strutted in, freezing at the sight of Barry. Her jaw went loose and her brows lifted.

"What is it?" Barry asked gently, getting to his feet. A strange tightness wrapped around Henry's chest, squeezing the air from his lungs and keeping him locked in place. Something was wrong.

"Well, when I was picking up more gauze, I just saw you downtown... in civies," Caitlin spoke slowly. "That was you, wasn't it?"

"No..." Barry repeated slowly. His eyes flicked to his dad. "The last few hours I've been scouring Helix labs for any trace of another lab or equipment used to make chimeras."

"But if you're here... then?" She loosely gestured over her shoulders. Henry pinched the bridge of his nose tightly. Barry sprung to the computer, bringing up the feed for the nighttime nap room. A tense silence fell over the whole room. It was entirely unoccupied. The only proof a living creature had been in it was the slight mess of Sebastian's bedsheets.

"Where downtown?" Barry turned to Caitlin sharply.

"He was heading to the harbour," Caitlin replied gently, folding her fingers together. "I think he'll be there by now. He was moving quite quickly."

"On it," Barry tugged his cowl down over his eyes.

"Wait," Henry grabbed his son's wrist and slowly got to his feet. "Let me come with you, in case Tiger has taken control of him."

"What? No," Barry protested firmly, his brows pulling into a fearsome scowl. "He could hurt you."

"And I'll heal," Henry replied with just as much sternness. "You can't go into this alone. You've already lost once and you're tired." Barry pressed his lips into a thin line, deep wrinkles appearing beneath his eyes. Henry's shoulders dropped a fraction. "He's my son, Barry," he spoke firmly. "I need to be there for him."

"Okay," Barry let out a huffing puff. "Just be careful and don't get in his way." Just like that, the world was a swirl of mixing paints in a blender. Every joint in Henry's body was rocked.

In the blink of an eye, the bright light of the Cortex blackened to the inky navy of the night sky. Even ground was replaced with round, uneven pebbles. Warm, cradling air threw him into the bitterly cold, and salty air. A wet wind blew back against him and an instant shiver rattled down his spine. Henry carefully peered around. A pebble beach rolled out beneath him, dipping into the lapping kisses of the bitterly cold ocean which was bathed in the pure white glitter of the moon. Just ahead, a wooden peer was raised on precarious stilts and crept out over the choppy waters. At the very end, a figure sat haunched. His legs dangled over the edge, his shoulders slumped under his suit jacket. Clouds of darkness hung over his head, pulses of cold rolling from his folded frame.

Henry's eyes locked with Barry. Both stiffened like a board. The speedster was the first to break the tension. With carefully placed steps, he slowly approached the turned figures back. Henry followed behind him closely, his own body moving like static. The cold breeze grew stronger, turning their clothes into lashing whips.

Leaning against the winds, they drew closer to the seated figure. "Sebastian!" Henry called, but his voice was stolen by the fierce winds. The figure didn't shift or move. He was as still as a rock rising from the water.

When they reached him, it was Barry who placed a cautious hand on his shoulder. The figure lifted his head. Nothing but plain, human eyes found them. Familiar, human eyes. Both speedster and doctor deflated. Sebastian blinked up at them blearily, his jaw hanging slack. The sharp winds stopped to a gentle whisper.

"Hey there, cub," Henry sighed a greeting, carefully patting the top of his head. Sebastian's lips curled into a lopsided and goofy grin. "Why did you leave the lab?" Henry asked gently. "You had us worried."

"I wasn't tired," Sebastian replied simply. "I wanted to see the water," he added with a shrug, his words slurring together in long strings.

"Okay, but you've gotta go back now," Henry told him softly. "You need to sleep off your injury." Sebastian's hand lifted to rub at his neck, his eyes glassing slightly.

"But I'm not injured," Sebastian argued, his brows pulling into a frown.

"You're drunk," Barry chuckled.

Sebastian recoiled in outrage. "I haven't touched anything in at least a month," he argued. "That's good by my standard." Henry could only shake his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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