30: Reveal

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There was no better remedy than a hot shower. It reset your mood and your body. The hot steam was a cocoon that allowed anybody to shed their old skin and step into a fresh one. Not dirt or filth could escape its purifying jets. So naturally, that was the first thing Sebastian did when they got back to his apartment from Central Greens.

Sebastian's eyes were closed as he stood under the hot spray. He focused on the splash and splatter of falling water. Steam rose and curled in thick plumes all around him. The water washed the muck and crustings of blood from his skin. He spent time picking twigs and leaves from his hair, and watching with grim satisfaction as it all drained away. The cuts in his shoulders were deep but thin. He was hoping it was nothing a few plasters couldn't fix. The warmth eased the cold ache and tremble of his body, so for a long while, he simply enjoyed the heat.

By the time he'd emerged from the bathroom, steam was billowing out from the open door, carrying with it the scent of his body wash. He strolled back into the living room, doing the last few buttons of his shirt. The first few rays of dawn were leaking in through the windows. Santana and Mason were sat silently on the couches, their eyes glazed and bodies slouch in. Their skin was clean, but their clothes tattered and torn. Santana was wearing some of Sebastian's clothes, her hair tied messily behind her head. She'd lost her own when she changed shape.

"You've made your decision, then?" Sebastian asked, arching a brow.

They nodded slowly. "We're going to the Flash on Boxing Day," Mason told him. "Even heroes deserve a happy holiday, don't they?" Sebastian pressed his lips into a line. Part of him wanted to make a dry or snarky comment regarding his brother, but he bit his tongue. It wasn't his secret to share, and if he did, he'd be no better than Barry.

"I want to go home for a few days," Santana added. "Just in case the Flash locks us up for good..." she trailed off.

"He won't," Sebastian spoke quickly. The confusion on their faces sent a kick of regret straight to his stomach.

"I thought you didn't trust him," Mason furrowed his brows.

"I didn't..." Sebastian's brows furrowed. "I still don't... but I'd say I had a moment of epiphany with him tonight."

Santana and Mason traded a quickly glance. "You know who he is?" Santana asked.

"I do... but I don't think it's my place to give out that information," Sebastian cleared his throat awkwardly. "Let's just say... he is opposed to unjust imprisonments. He'll help you." Saying those words was like swallowing a mouthful of acid. Barry had never really been there for Sebastian, but that didn't mean Sebastian couldn't see what Barry had done for other people. How he'd dedicated his life to freeing his father. How he'd taken to fighting crime during the day and night. How he risked his life every day for the good of Central City. Mason and Santana's faces filled with relief. Clearing his throat, he shifted from foot to foot. "You'll find him at S.T.A.R. Labs."


Barry sped back into the cortex, panting and coated in hot sweat. The leather of his suit was sticking closely to his skin. Cisco and Henry were seated behind the cortex desk, Joe peering over their shoulders at the glowing screens. Their heads turned to look at him.

Flicking back his cowl, he strode in. "I have searched the sewers all day," he panted. "There is nothing down there, no crack of crevice that has the kind of tech used for creating chimeras." Henry's brows furrowed in thought.

"I suppose it was foolish to assume it wouldn't be hidden from sight," Henry sighed, sitting back in his chair. Barry sat down on the edge of the desk, loosening his sweat dampened hair with a sweep of his fingers.

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