37: Rodney

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Diddy was paler that the last time Iris had seen him. The office was just as prim and proper as she recalled, the only odd price out being the owner himself. Some of his clothing was slightly askew and deep bags rested beneath his eyes. "It's been a while, Diddy," Joe spoke calmly, folding his arms over his chest. "There is a lot we have to talk about."

Blowing out a long breath, Diddy pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ask your questions, detective," he spoke curtly. "Not all of us have the luxury of time."

"We decoded Smythes old case files," Joe told him blankly. "We have a record of your confession."

Diddy's brows pulled down into a fierce scowl. "Then why aren't you arresting me?" he spoke darkly.

"We want information," Joe told him blankly. Diddy jutted his jaw to one side. Sitting forwards, Joe planted his elbows on his knees. "Who is controlling the chimeras?"

"You're the detective," Diddy shrugged.

"Why did you steal Jason's formula?" Joe pressed. "Your brother told us you were very close. Why would you stab another brother in the back?"

Diddy let out a bitter laugh. "He stabbed me in the back first," he stated firmly. "He betrayed me."

"What did he do?" Iris asked softly, trading a long look with her father.

"Well you've met my brother, Mason," Diddy sat back in his chair. They nodded their heads. "Did he tell you about the car crash that killed our parents?" Joe nodded slowly. "Well, it left him badly injured too. Although he recovered, he was left with a chronic neuropathic pain that made his life a living hell. He was just a kid." Emotion twinkled in Diddy's eyes and he paused to collect himself. "We developed Metriol to help him and anyone else that suffered from that kind of pain. It was and still is the only drug that works."

"But Jason didn't want to put it on the market because of its addictive qualities," Iris realised out loud, her brows creeping up. Diddy nodded.

"I couldn't let Mason live like that anymore," Diddy replied evenly. "So, I did what I had to." Joe ran a hand down his face and sat back in his seat.

"That same brother needs you now," Iris shuffled forwards. "You know what's happened to him. You know what he's become." Diddy nodded stiffly. "Then help us stop the chimera master."

Diddy shook his head. "The chimera gifts have cured Mason for good," he breathed. "The chimeras will only take down my empire and I, which has been a long time coming." Iris and Joe traded a long look.

"Your brother needs you," Joe told him firmly. "There is an assassin after him and the other Chimeras. They were nearly killed."

"What?" Diddy's eyes fixed on them.

"The Shadow Hunter has their bounty," Joe continued. "Somebody wants them dead." Diddy sat back into his chair, sucking on his teeth. "Help us help your brother."

"I have many connections in the business world," Diddy sighed. "I'll try to find some information for you."


Sebastian wasn't certain what to think of the huge, gaping space beneath S.T.A.R. Labs. It was a hollowed warehouse. Black burns on the floor and innumerable skid marks told it had been well used. Powerful, industrial lights shone down from above. The majority of team Flash were up on a raised platform and boxed in by mesh guardrail. They were chattering amongst themselves, half watching the three chimeras on the ground.

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