15: Investigations

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Tracking down Diddy's brother had been easier than Barry expected. The man worked in a grocery store close to the edge of the city. It was compact, with shelves bursting with produce and confectionery. Colour was everywhere, the scent of freshly baked bread wafting from the bakery. Bright lights beamed down from above, people bustling in between isles. A lively chatter filled the air, accompanied by the rattle of shopping carts and the occasional squeaking of their wheels.

Combing through the store, Barry and Joe found Mason. He was in the green uniform by a large crate, stocking produce onto the shelves. "Mason Jinks?" Barry asked as he took his last few steps of approach. The man turned to him. He had similarly Richard me dark skin to his brother, his short and coily hair cropped close to his skull.

"Hello?" Mason eyed them up and down, a small crinkle forming between his brows.

Joe displayed his badge. "We need to talk." Mason's face paled. He craned his head around.

"Come right this way," he mumbled, guiding them briskly through the store. Barry and Joe kept pace with him. He led them out a back door to a grimy and garbage filled alleyway. It led onto a distantly busy road. The stench of rot was thick in the air, honking horns blaring.

"Whatever this is about, I didn't do it," Mason turned to them. Barry and Joe traded a look. "I can't even drive cars, I was not legally allowed to learn, so how could I drive them in street racing." He continued to blabber. "That doesn't make sense." Barry let out an airy laugh, shaking his head.

"We're not here about that," Joe told him bluntly, surpredding a smile from wriggling onto his face.

"Good," Mason nodded rapidly, giving a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. "Because that has nothing to do with me anyway."

"We're here about your brother," Barry explained. Mason's brows furrowed. "He was attacked last night."

"He was?" Mason's voice hitched, his eyes widening. He swivelled to face them fully. "Is he alright? Is he injured?"

"He got away without a scratch," Barry assured him gently and Mason visibly deflated. "The attack happened in his home." Mason's jaw slackened. "There were no signs of a break in. Do you know of anybody who has access to his home and motive to attack."

Mason blinked slowly, running a hand back over his head. "I..." he let out a long breath. "I'm the only other person who has a key to the house, because I live there too."

"Where were you last night?" Joe asked.

"You know... just out in the city," he shrugged.

"Not driving?" Barry smirked.

"Not driving," he repeated in an instant.

"Then it could have been a familiar face that he let into the house," Joe hummed, stroking his beard. "Do you have any idea who that could be?"

"My brother is quite elusive," Mason sighed. "He doesn't have much of a social life. It died with his best friend a few years back."

"His best friend?" Barry arched a brow. "Jason Mort?"

"That's the one," Mason mumbled, his expression souring into one of upset. Ghosts danced in his irises.

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