41: ABBA

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The Helix Newyears event was in full swing. Instead of mingling masses as the Christmas Party had been, all of the guests were allocated to large, round tables. The central stage was always occupied, many different performers singing their hearts out with the occasional interlude dedicated to and commenting on the life of Jason Mort. The pungent scent of champagne and rich perfume clogged the air. Dimmed lights allowed for intense spotlights to shine on the centre stage.

The noise of clinking cutlery took away from the beauty of the performances, but Barry was willing to overlook it, given the delightful taste of the food they were being served. The table Barry found himself at was comprised completely of Team Flash members. They were all in fancy attire, the best dressed they'd been for a while. Henry was seated at Barry's side, fidgeting with a napkin. A cloud of angst buzzed all around him. The whole night he'd been filled with jitters. The more time ticked on, the worse it seemed to grow. Eventually, Barry thought it best to probe the anxiety.

"What's got you so nervous?" Barry leaned in towards his father, lifting his voice slightly to be heard over the music.

Henry's concerned eyes flicked to his eldest. His lips were pressed into a thin line. "Do you think Sebastian will be able to handle all of this pressure?" he asked. "Don't you think this is all a bit much when he is just beginning to come to terms with his father's death?"

"I think Sebastian knows his limits," Barry responded. "Maybe it'll be good for him, to get up and sing," Henry gave a small nod, but his brows were still furrowed. "This will be the first you've heard him sing, right?" Barry asked.

"I definitely heard him mouthing off as a baby," Henry chuckled, cracks of fondness forming around his eyes. "But this is the first time I'll see him really sing." Barry's lips curled into a soft smile.

It wasn't much longer until it was Sebastian and Santana's chance in the spot light. Barry had almost gasped when he realised they were singing exclusively ABBA. This performance far outdid their last. They were upbeat, dancing all throughout the room, twirling and twisting. Their voices were the perfect tango of mixing vocals. His was lighter, hers full bodied. They were the perfect accompaniments to each other. Where he moved and danced more, she remained more resigned and belted out powerful vocals.

The spotlights could barely keep up with their slick moves and rapid dancing. Barry nearly lost his jaw when his brother flipped from the central stage mid song. Perhaps his favourite part of all was when Sebastian had stopped by the table neighbouring team flash to shamelessly flirt with an elderly woman. There was a look in his eyes. A crackle of life and thrill. One Barry recognised as the same feeling he got every time he ran. Freedom and excitement. Complete fulfilment.

Henry's face sported a wide grin the entire time. It seemed they had found their answer. This wasn't too much for Sebastian. If anything, it was too little. When the dreaded end of the performance rolled around, the room was roaring with applause.

Barry and Henry had immediately sought out Sebastian after the performance. They found him in a small office with a little balcony attached. Santana was seated in the office, undoing her hair and removing her jewellery. The only light in the small space was the glow of the desk lamp. "You have a beautiful voice," Henry spoke gently as he strolled into the room. Her dark eyes flicked up to him in surprise.

"Thank you, Mr Allen," she startled, before giving them both a nod of greeting.

"You did great," Barry agreed.

"Well, there is more to me than scales and homicidal rage," she teased with a small smile. Both men faltered, giving out quiet chuckles. "Sebastian is out there," she nodded her head to the glass doors. "I think he's just catching his breath." Giving her a nod of thanks, they slipped out onto the balcony.

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