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"remind me why were here again?"I asked as we hopped over the stone wall into the jungle called crains house "gold, duh."JJ looked back at me, it's been about two weeks since my makeout with everyone in the group. The most important thing that's happened is we've found the gold. And now we came back at night to get it. "Welp, she has motion sensor lights."JJ ran back towards us "fuck, what are we gonna do?"I asked "we could, walk really slowly?"JJ suggested I flicked his forehead causing him to rub it then tug on my hair causing us to start sissy fighting only to be split up by Pope. "Shit, we could throw a rock at it?"John B suggested "I'm up for vandalism."I shrugged "no! We are not vandalizing anything. We can just, turn it off. You boys go get the gold and us girls will find the breaker."Sarah said "hell no, I am not going anywhere near the inside of that house. I'm going with the boys."I said following John B and Pope JJ behind me we went into the basement, I looked around while they set everything up. "You good?"JJ asked after John B was at the bottom, I giggled as he screamed like a little girl and started yelling to reel him up. I grabbed onto the rope as JJ slipped almost letting go. "Don't let go dipshit."I thumped his head glancing at Pope as he walked away, I looked up thinking I heard screaming upstairs but I just shrugged it off. I didn't when the two girls came running down her screaming something about a gun and Mrs Crain. We all yelled at John B to hurry up us all screaming when a gunshot went off. After minutes of screaming John B finally came up covered in shit. We ran outside and to the van I struggled holding my side as JJ pulled me over the wall since I was taking forever, we all got into the van, I laid across from JB, JJ took of driving. "I'd know if I was shot, right?"Kie smiled I held my stomach groaning leaning my head back. Pope noticed my hand and pain, he gently moved my hand seeing blood leaking through my shirt as the others started to cheer about gold. Pope leaned down lifting my shirt up some. "Shit, JJ drive to the hospital now!"he yelled "what, why?"JJ looked back at us for a second "just go!"he screamed as the other three came towards me the girls gasping as they saw my stomach bleeding out "fuck! You got shot! Why didn't you tell us you got shot!"John B yelled finding something to apply pressure to my stomach I groaned not wanting his shitty hands touching me or anywhere near me. "she got shot!"JJ yelled glancing back at me in the rearview mirror, we locked eyes until I closed mine from the pain.

"What happened."I sat up getting the boys and two girls attention, JJ spun around rather quickly as they all came over to me smiling "you got shot, by a shotgun, in the stomach. I can't believe your alive."John B laughed I smiled softly "I'm like Reba, a survivor."I grinned the group laughing. We all joked and laughed until my family came stomping in, including Rafe. My dad shot everyone a look telling them to get out now. "What the hell Ruby! You could've died."mom yelled hugging me gently "were just glad your ok sweetheart."dad squeezed my hand gently "I was really hoping I'd get your room."Bella frowned dad shot her a look "I'm glad your ok sis."Luke smiled "May I have a moment with her? Alone?"he asked my parents nodded pushing my siblings out of the room "don't ever, ever, do something like that again, ok? What if you got shot in the head or the chest? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died, Ruby."he pressed my head against his chest his head resting on mine. "I'm sorry, Rafe. I won't do that again I promise."I lied "good."he whispered kissing me.

"After about a week or so they finally let me out, I had stitches on my wound. But I was also on bed lock from my parents. Meaning the only people I saw for a whole week was my family and Rafe. Today my dad was finally letting me go out. So of course I dressed nice. As in nice I mean a bikini and overalls over that. "She lives!"John B looked back at me as he and JJ were the only ones that could see me, they all sped towards me hugging me except JJ. "What, no hug Blondie?"I asked "I don't hug kooks."he crossed his arms "I hope there's a bikini under those because we were about to go to the dock and hangout on the boat as a celebration for finding the gold."JB smiled "you already know there is."I winked

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