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I stumbled into John B's backyard leaning against the house, my presence still unknown while I watched my friends joke and play around. Flashbacks came back from just four months ago, when we were running from cops, smoking JJ's cousins weed, drinking beer on roofs of empty houses, hanging out in the marsh. Now I've been shot twice just in the past two months, in the same spot, my parents and little sister died, I broke up with my boyfriend, my ex shot me killing our unborn baby, I'm gonna be a fugitive in the morning after convincing Ward to blame me instead of John B. I decided to fix myself up and join my friends, enjoying our last night together, try to be normal for the last time, before I have to go on the run. Because of something my ex did. "Yo! Toss me a beer JJ."I yelled holding my hands out, they all smiled and whooped out my presence JJ tossing me a beer can. I cracked it open chugging it "wow."Kie laughed after three beers later we were all tipsy in the hot tub, in either shorts or bikinis. We all had our own pairs, John B and Sarah, Kie and Pope, than me and JJ. All three girls were cuddled up to our boy, laughing at stupid jokes we made. "God I missed this."I laughed laying my head on JJ's chest "except there was no Sarah, and JJ and I would be across the room insulting each other, but I think this version is better."I added everyone agreed "Sarah, I gotta give it to you. Your not as bad as I thought."JJ said "thank you Maybank."she giggled ""what time is it?"Kie asked "it's gotta be like, 4 something."I sat up yawning "on that note, we should get to bed."JJ stood up stretching pulling me up with him.

"John B Routledge! Open up!"there was a pound on the door at around 9 in the morning, causing me to shoot up and get dressed, throwing my pants and shoes on not caring about giving JJ his shirt back. "Woah what's your rush."JJ asked sitting up "that's the cops, there here for me."I whispered struggling to get the back of my right shoe on jumping into the kitchen while John B came out rubbing his eyes "John Booker Routledge do not open that god damn door."I pointed at him opening the window in the living room "why?"he asked JJ putting his own shoes on "I'm coming with you, I'm not letting you run out there on your own."JJ said I nodded jumping out of the window and booking it, I don't know where I was going but I knew it was far. "So why are you running from the cops?"JJ asked running next to me "murder."I said "you killed Rafe!"he yelled "what? No. I convinced Ward last night after breaking it to Rafe I was pregnant to pin the murder on me and not John B."I said while I smiled at people we ran past "he was gonna pin it on John B?"he asked I nodded humming in response "where are we going?"he asked "I dunno."I said as we came to a stop in front of an abandoned building.

"Stay here, I'll be back."I whispered to JJ as we walked through the woods of tannyhill "why are we here?"he asked looking up at the Cameron's house "just stay here, and if I don't come back within fifteen minutes, come look for me. Or if you hear a gun shot or yelling."I told him than ran off climbing to Rafe's room as it's not the first time I've snuck into this house. I smiled to myself seeing Rafe wasn't in his room, and his window was unlocked. I slowly climbed looking back at JJ giving him a thumbs up than walking towards the door. Only to stop in my tracks when I saw a figure walk out of the bathroom I turned to Rafe while he hovered over me only wearing shorts with wet hair "feels like the old days, doesn't it sweetheart?"he smirked "I'm only here for your dad, Rafe."I whispered "fine, I'll talk you to him than."he gripped onto my arm tightly taking me to ward's office. "Dad, you have a visitor."Rafe threw me into the room walking in behind me, Ward stood up with hesitation. "Ruby, what are you doing here?"he acted scared "oh please, don't act like your scared of me, even though you should be. We all know who's the real murderer, here."I glanced at Rafe "what do you want kid."his dark mysterious eyes staring into my, also mysterious eyes. At this point I really had no emotion anymore, I've taken it all out and have had so many emotions the past month. "I wanted to thank you. For protecting John B."I said glancing at his guns, he must've noticed my glance I watched as he pulled a gun out of his drawer "Rafe told me, you were pregnant. And you lost it."he said his voice cold "I was, and I did. Because of Rafe."I answered I gave him that look, hoping that if we're shot for a third time, it's end everything. With my eyes I told him to shoot me. He pulled the gun up nodding softly pointing it at me pulling the trigger before Rafe could do something "dad! What the fuck!"Rafe caught me stumbling back while I bled from my stomach, why do I always get shot there. I'm not gonna be able to have kids, that's if I live to have them. I gasped for air looking up at Rafe, blood seeping from my mouth while JJ ran in the room, fifteen minutes passed that fast? "What the fuck!"JJ yelled dropping to his knees applying pressure to my wound "I had to! She's a danger to our family!"Ward  yelled

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