"Ruby, hey!"Rafe yelled I shut my eyes tight walking past him "Leave her alone man."JJ said wrapping his arm around my shoulders "stay the fuck out of this Maybank."Rafe glared at JJ "Ruby, please listen, I'm sorry."Rafe turned back to me "I said leave her the fuck alone man! She doesn't wanna talk to you."JJ pushed Rafe back I watched as Rafe pushed JJ back than JJ punched Rafe, punched him again, knocking him to the ground, straddling him, and beating the shit out of him. I just stood there, watching JJ give him what the dick deserved. Sure I hated my dad with all my guts but he was still my dad, and Rafe was the man I loved, and he killed my fucking dad. I thought I could trust Rafe, but apparently I couldn't. Fuck. Just staring at the guys face made me wanna beat the shit out of him I pushed JJ off straddling him myself punching the shit out of him, apparently hitting JJ last night wasn't enough "JJ what the hell are you doing get her off!"Topper yelled as him Kelce Luke and other dick bags came towards us, I screamed and kicked while Luke pulled me off him "let me go! Let me go Luke! I'm giving the bitch what he deserves."I grifted my teeth getting in Luke's face I got on my tippy toes whispering in his ear "he killed dad in our kitchen last night."I whispered I watched as his face dropped, than grew into anger. I could tell JJ and Rafe knew by his face I told him what Rafe did. "You dick! You were my best friend what the fuck!"Luke yelled kicking his stomach JJ pulled me back hugging me while my head rested on his chest watching as John B Pope Sarah and Kie came up to the action happening in my own front yard. "Luke get off him!"Sarah screamed "you say something princess?"Luke asked pulling out a gun, one way to familiar, he held the gun to Rafe's head fisting his collar in his hand my eyes started to water. "Luke!"John B yelled as Sarah screamed to back off part of me wanted him to pull the trigger, the other part of me wanted to push Luke off and hug Rafe. Luke considered doing it before he looked at me, seeing the hurt scared angry look in my eyes. He weakened at the sight dropping Rafe and backing off. Luke walked over to me pulling me away from JJ hugging me tightly throwing the gun down.

I watched from my parents balcony as Rafe paced on my family's dock, he stopped staring into the open, I couldn't exactly make out what he said but be yelled something that echoed. "Don't pay attention to him."JJ wrapped his arm around me "thanks for all of this, JJ. I really appreciate it. More than you could imagine."I smiled at him, I suddenly felt as if I had to puke, I had no time so I puked over the balcony him holding my hair up "fuck. Again."I wiped my mouth was a blanket my mom used in the morning when she's drink tea and read. "Again? Hey, did you use protection last time you fucked someone?"he asked "shit, no."I looked at him wide eyed "clinic, now. We'll take my dad's truck."I rushed downstairs grabbing my dad's keys and hopping into his truck JJ making an appointment on the way there. After about twenty minutes we arrived running in "hi, Ruby Black?"I smiled at the lady "oh yes, you start, right now actually. Have a seat they'll come out to get you."we turned around to have a seat but we couldn't as my name was called "you the father? Or brother? Cousin?"she asked skeptical of JJ "ugh, boyfriend. The baby- if there is one, belongs to her ex."he stuttered making sure I was ok with him saying his place in my life. "I'm gonna apply some gel ok? It'll be cold."she said I nodded after about five minutes she smiled "congratulations, you are pregnant."she moved the screen over showing us the little ball that was growing in my stomach "um, can you tell how far along I am?"I asked thinking about the idea of having a mini me- or Rafe, running around. The idea of it being a mini Rafe was honestly terrifying, as he is a murderer maniac. The lady came back after ten minutes "you are two months and three weeks along."she told me I smiled at JJ.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkk."I paced in my room JJ on my bed playing with things "you know saying that over and over ain't gonna fix things, right? Your pregnant and the maniac who killed your dad is the father of the fetus in your womb."he said "your not making things better JJ."I shot him a look. "Sorry, not exactly used to comforting friends in situations like this."he sighed

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