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"Luke, hey, what's up?"I asked sitting up off of JJ's lap on the couch in our living room "Bella, mom."he trailed off letting out a sob I immediately stood up hugging him "what about them? What's wrong?"I rubbed his back "they're dead."he whispered my heart dropped "what? How? Your joking, you have to be?"I looked him in the eye he shook his head "mom came back to take Bella, on the bridge, mom passed out and drove right off of it, they pulled the car out this morning and had me confirm if it was them. It was them."he explained "fuck!"I screamed punching a wall with my left hand, I tend to punch things a lot when I'm mad. I ran my fingers through my hair struggling with my right as it had a cast from when I punched the hot tub. "Hey hey, calm down, ok? She left us anyways she doesn't deserve our tears. Ok?"Luke said grabbing my arm "I'm not crying over that bitch I'm crying over our little sister!"I yelled

I kicked sand as I walked along the beach at the boneyard I stopped looking out at the ocean. "Fuck."I whispered "how does life just go to hell, within three days."I ran my hands down my face my blue cast scratching my cheek. "Fuck!"I screamed with all my anger "hey."someone whispered behind me I turned around seeing Rafe, which made me even angrier, I thought back to the thought of me caring him and I's child. "The fuck do you want Rafe."I glared at him "I wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything. I freaked out when you told me about the abuse with your dad and it made me really, really angry with you and your dad, you for not telling me sooner. Mad at your dad for hurting the most gorgeous human being alive that I was lucky enough to call mine, you are, the love of my life, Ruby. I don't think I can ever love someone as much as I love you. Even today, I fought with Topper because he said something bad about you. My heart melts at the sight of your smile the sound of your life, just hearing your name makes me heart melt. I love you more than a fat kid loves cake."he resighted what I had said when we both used the I love you on a date almost two years ago now. I wanted to laugh, I wanted to smile and say I love you too, I wanted to run and jump into his arms, but than I remembered the thought of him killing my dad. "I love you Rafe."I whispered as he came closer "you do?"he asked I nodded "but I can forgive you."I whispered as he pulled me into a right hug sobbing into my shoulder. I sobbed into his, we sat like that for about an hour, crying in each other's arms. Thoughts running through our heads while we cried in silence. Out of the times I've took my anger out on things already, I think this finally took a burden off my shoulders. Hugging the man I love, who just wanted to protect me, made me not angry for once. My mind went through all the times I broke down and let my anger out, my mind than went to JJ, as they were all with him. JJ. JJ Maybank. I think I'm starting to like him, no, love him, I've been liking him. He's been there for me when no one else hasn't, JJ and I never showed any type of emotions in front of each other before and now he's been sticking with my every day all the day for the past week. I think I love JJ Maybank. "Rafe."I whispered finally cutting the hour long silence "yeah?"he whispered sniffing softly "I can't be here, doing this. I love you still, a lot, but what you did is unforgivable. You killed my dad, yeah it was for a good cause but it was a stupid decision."I pulled away turning from him looking at the ocean "Ruby, you can't do this. No. I- I saved you, I protected you, ok? I was only trying to protect you, I know what I did was stupid and like you said it was for a good cause- fuck would you look at me!"he yelled I shut my eyes turning around looking up at him "no matter what you say, is going to let me forgive you."I whispered calmly wanting to be the mature one here. I debated on telling him if I was pregnant or not. "Fuck why not, Ruby?"he asked touching his forehead for a second, he does that a lot when he's frustrated "because, Rafe, what if I came and killed your dad, huh? You love your dad and your dad loves you, I don't know if my dad loved me or not but I still loved him, I loved my abusive dad for some unknown reason. It hurts like hell when you loose someone you love, it hurts even worse when a person you love did it. The only thing I have left is Luke. It's only me and him now. I don't have a guardian now because of fucking you! I'll probably get sent to the main island because of you!"I yelled pushing him back, he let me do it, eventually I started punching his chest over and over screaming and crying while he let me do it. "Rafe! Ruby? Ruby, hey, calm down."Ward came running up to us grabbing my arms and pulling me back "what the hell, Rafe."he whispered.

So it's not letting me publish chapter nine so basically all that happened was JJ and Ruby beat up Rafe on the beach then Ruby told Luke what he did and Luke beat him up pulled a gun on Rafe wanted to shoot him but when he looked at Ruby and the look she had made him back down. And Ruby found out she was two months and three weeks pregnant with Rafe's baby.

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