"I can't believe I'm letting you guys take me somewhere in the middle of nowhere."I huffed looking around my arms crossed as I sat on the small seat next to JJ "suck it up princess, don't let your makeup get ruined it actually looks decent today."he said, I gave him a quick punch to the second than flipped him off while he groaned holding his stomach, Pope letting out a chuckle. "Don't be scared RJ."John B glanced back at me in the rearview mirror. "Fine, just make sure we don't die- I don't die, my family's having dinner with the Cameron's tonight and my dad would kill me if I wasn't there. Like literally kill me."I said, I screeched- we all screeched as John B slammed on his breaks causing me to fly into JJ and Pope fly into me as he was on the ground next to me Kie going into the back of Sarah's seat. "ow."we all groaned as I got off of JJ, I looked at him seeing his eyes shut. I started slapping his face repeatedly saying his name "huh, what?"he took a deep breath sitting back up rubbing his face "did you seriously just black out?"I giggled "no, shut up Black."he smacked the back of my head.

"You look beautiful."Rafe met me at the door taking my hand "thank you, you got me this dress actually."I smiled glancing at my black 50's swing dress that Rafe got me for our two year anniversary. "Ruby! What a pleasure to see you, it's been forever. Rafe had told me all about how you've gotten more beautiful since I've last seen you."Ward came up to us everyone else in the dining room "I've come to see that's true."he smiled "thank you, Mr.Cameron."I smiled "I told you one to many times, call me Ward."he offered I smiled "thanks, Ward."I replied "ok dad, enough chatting let's go sit down."Rafe placed his hand on my lower back leading me to my seat, he caught eyes with my father gulping as he pulled out my seat, pushing it back down taking the seat next to me. "Rafe, how are you son?"my dad started up a conversation between the two, I of course listened "good sir, you?"Rafe asked "fine, thank you for asking kid. Ruby, told me a lot about you and her, how much you love her and all the affection you show her. My daughter loves you very much son, so if you break her heart. I might have to take one of those rifles I've showed you before off my office wall and use it myself on you."dad threatened, trying to make it sound like he actually gave a shit about me. "Dad."I growled he shot me a look saying to shut up. "Vincent, stay back after dinner, I want to share some fine wine I have kept in my office with you. And show you a few things."Ward saw the scared looks in mine and Rafe's eyes, distracting my dad, I mentally thanked him.

"What the fuck was that Ruby!"dad threw me into my room "the fuck did I do!"I screamed "you ruined my chance at owning a property on the south side!"he slapped me "how the fuck did I ruin it? Huh? I wasn't even in the god damn room!"I yelled, I stared him in the eyes while his fist rose, I didn't flinch when he punched me square in the jaw. I didn't even budge it fight back when he punched me all over my body, repeatedly. "Dad."he stopped looking to where the whisper came from, there stood my mom, Luke, and Isabella, staring at us in shock. I think Isabella was hurt the most. "What the hell Vincent."mom whispered "honey, I can explain."he chased after the blonde woman who ran down the hall. I sat on my bed staring at the floor, not even one tear shed as my siblings came over to me "I can answer your question truthfully now, Luke. Being the middle child is a dream, never punched, smacked, yelled at, punished. It's like paradise on earth."I said sarcastically looking up at him "how long as this been happening?"he whispered Izzie checking out the bruises on my face and the blood running down my lips and chin "years."I choked I stood up looking at the two, than I broke out into a sob. The two immediately pulled me into a right hug, while I sobbed and wept into their shoulders. "I can take you to Rafe's, or John B's, for the night."Luke suggested "no, I want you to take Izzie to stay with wheezie, go back a bag Izzie. You go stay with Topper or someone. I'll go to John B's."I said he nodded "how will you get there?"he asked "don't worry about it."I brushed him off, packing a quick overnight bag than went down to the garage, I stared at my dad's nice expensive ass motorcycle. I grabbed his full headed helmet with the eye shield. I put my small bag in the compartment getting on the bike starting it, I smirked as it made a loud noise. Causing my dad to come out screaming at me as I sped off to John B's.

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