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(skip to the boat scene on the last episode in S2)

"What the fuck are we gonna do now?"I smacked the wall of the car holder thing we were trapped in on a ship. "I don't know."John B held his face in his hands "hold on, Kie RJ, can either one of you fit through this window thing?"he stood up rather fast Kie and I pointed at each other "her, I ain't doing it."Kie shook her head I rolled my eyes but listened anyways, after he told me what to do JJ gave me a lift and push out of the window, making a snarky comments when he put my hands on my ass. I hopped down onto a wooden box looking around before sneaking to who knows where. My mission was to find the weapon safe, and I was going to find it no matter what the cost was. I'm going to get my friends out of her alive. I jumped when someone put their hands on my shoulders, sighing in relief when I saw Cleo. "Hey girl, what are you doing here?"she whispered while I still kept a lookout "here to save my friend, Sarah. Do you know where she is by chance?"I asked "I think I do. But my mates know there's intruders on the ship and sent us out for them, the only way I can get you anywhere is to act like I caught you."she looked around I nodded standing up grabbing a rope, she tied my hand behind my back, loosely. When we saw a group of guys surrounding someone she pulled me towards them "I've got an intruder."she yelled pointing at me, they all turned to me revealing the man between them. "shit."I whispered under my breath locking eyes with Rafe, his eyes held, shock, fear, anger, sadness, and gladness. "I've got this one, go find more."Rafe glanced at Cleo throwing a towel or shirt, whatever it was, over his shoulder. "No no, I've got her. it's ok."she denied but he snatched my arms away "I've got her."he growled she backed away surrendering, giving me a sorry look. I cocked my head trying to tell her it's fine. I could probably get away from him with ease. "Now what are you doing here? Huh, Ruby?"he whispered his hot breath hitting my ear as we walked away from the group and towards a bunker looking thing. "I'm here for Sarah, and Sarah only. I don't want any trouble I just wanna make sure my friends ok."I stared at our feet "what happened to me being your friend? Even better, boyfriend? Huh? What happened to you caring about me first before everyone. What happened to you telling me you love me?"he held my arms tighter "That all went away the moment you killed my dad."I whispered snarling my nose I closed my eyes tightly when he yanked my hair back making me look back at him "hey- look at me! I'm sorry, okay? I should've never have done that I know, and I'm really sorry, I'm so so so so sorry, forgive me please, we all make mistakes, okay? Just come back to me baby please, I love you I miss you, I miss your touch against my skin baby come back to me please, okay?"he begged I turned around to get a better look at him "yes, we all make mistakes, and you made a bunch, just like I made a bunch like loving you, you made a lot of mistakes while we were together but I still stayed with you, I forgave and forgot I still loved you no matter what, until you killed my dad, and than you killed our baby, and you shot me, and your dad shot me, I just couldn't handle it anymore I'm sorry. I really am sorry for leaving and hurting you Rafe but I had to before I got hurt again, cause all my pain came from your family."I choked back tears "than why are you still friends with my sister, huh?"he tilted his head "Because she's not a part of your family anymore. She came to her senses."I flared my nostrils "Ruby? Oh thank god."I turned around seeing Sarah "oh my god your ok."I ran up to her hugging her, the ropes falling off my hands, she hugged back rather tightly. "Oh my fuck."I whispered looking up and seeing thee one and only Ward Cameron behind her. "But you were-"he cut me off "dead, yeah I know. It was a fake death. I'm not explaining my story to someone who does nothing but hurt and destroys my family."Ward said "funny, because all you did was hurt my own family."I pushed Sarah behind my softly "When you began dating Rafe all hell broke loose in my family, Rafe because unloving and unfaithful to our family, Sarah started to rebel against us, and Wheezie, she started to grow up to fast."he started to yell "than I guess Cameron's and black's were meant to be huh."I cocked my head "that's it."he said before whipping a knife out of his pocket "no!"Rafe yelled grabbing his dad's arm and pushing it away from me slamming the knife into the wall I turned to Sarah screaming run and ran we did. We ran into a red room seeing Kie and JJ locking the doors, each had one doors Sarah ran to Kie meanwhile I ran to JJ, him putting his arm around my bare hip to help keep the door shut "Let us out!"one of the guys yelled as JJ and I got it shut and locked. "Ward's alive JJ."I whispered running out to the back dock with him "what? No way."he whispered looking behind me and pushing me aside when men came at us with weapons. We started to fight them off when someone punched JJ knocking him back into he water, I leaned over screaming his name seeing he was just floating, unconscious. Hopefully alive. "Ruby!"Kie yelled causing me to turn around just as a guy stabbed me with a gaffler looking thing. I looked down at my stomach wide eyed putting my fingers on the wound looking at the blood gushing out if me I looked ahead of me and saw Rafe staring at me in complete shock and fear. I coughed blood flying out of my mouth Rafe running over to me and applying pressure to my wound. "Rafe."I whispered blood coming out of my mouth staining his shirt "Ruby, hey hold on, hey Ruby. It's gonna be ok. I promise, you'll be ok. It's gonna be all fine everything will be just ok."he held me dragging me into a spare room thing "JJ, where's JJ, is he alive? Make sure JJ's alive."I passed out when my head hit the pillow.

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