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This is cross posted to my Fanfiction site under the same name as it is on here. A few things before you begin reading. Ash is older at the start of his journey than in cannon. He is 16 years of age. Ash will be a bottom in his relationships. He will also capture pokemon he had not during the cannon episodes. He will know or be taught how to use Aura since I feel like they really failed in using it to its potential in the episodes. If there are anymore details I'll be sure to address them as they come up.

Main Pairing: AshxPaul

Side pairing: AshxGary (One sided on Gary's part)

Rating: M (to be safe)

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon it belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, Creatures, The Pokemon Company, etc, nor do I write this for profit. This is for entertainment use only.

Enjoy! And don't forget to leave a review!

Chapter Text

Ash wiped his forehead of sweat as he looked down at his Xtransceiver to make sure he was on the correct path. He hummed softly letting his arm fall down to his side. It was the middle of the day and it was really hot with not a single breeze blowing through the trees making the forest he was in weirdly silent. Well, it was silent until he heard a feminine scream.

The scream even made his Pikachu perk up before running off to it making Ash follow quickly behind the yellow mouse. They rushed through trees and bushes until they made it to a large lake, though it wasn't as large as the lake he caught Horsea at, and a girl cowering in front of an angry Gyarados.


"Pikachu! Quick Thunderbolt at the Gyarados!" Ash called out startling the girl and making the Gyarados turn to him. Pikachu let out an affirmative before shooting a high powered streak of lightning at the large water serpent making it shriek in pain. Ash watched out of the corner of his eye as his Pikachu shot bolt after bolt at the Gyarados as he helped the girl away from the water.

"You okay?" Ash asked looking her over for any injuries. Her orange hair, jean shorts, red suspenders, and yellow tank top were soaked, but he didn't see any injuries.

"Yeah, yeah," she said a little breathlessly as she clenched at his shirt, "Wh-What about your Pikachu?" She asked as she watched the little mouse tease the already angry Gyarados. The large water serpent had started attacking back sending large bouts of water trying to hit Pikachu.

"He's fine. He's just playing around," Ash said as he chuckled knowing his Pikachu was having some fun. During the last few days with Pikachu he knew the yellow mouse wasn't even using his full strength in the Thunderbolts. That was why he decided that Pikachu would be a last resort pokémon in gym battles until the others caught up with Pikachu in terms of strength. "Pikachu it's time to stop playing!" he called out and saw Pikachu send him an affirmative with a wag of his tail, "Volt Tackle! Send it back to the middle of the lake!"

The girl couldn't help, but think that it wasn't possible for a tiny pokémon like Pikachu to send a larger pokémon like Gyarados back that far until she actually saw the yellow mouse do it. "Kyaaa!" Pikachu yelled as he charged up electricity to surround his body before running and tackling Gyarados sending the twenty foot pokémon back towards the middle of the lake just like his trainer wanted. Pikachu waited tense at the edge of the lake in case Gyarados would come back, but after a few tense moments he relaxed and shook out his fur before turning around and ran back to his trainer.

"Good job," Ash said as he handed Pikachu an Oran berry. He gave the electric charged fur a scratch before turning to the girl. "I'm Ash," he said introducing himself as he held out a hand for her to shake.

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