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This is cross posted to my Fanfiction site under the same name as it is on here. A few things before you begin reading. Ash is older at the start of his journey than in cannon. He is 16 years of age. Ash will be a bottom in his relationships. He will also capture pokemon he had not during the cannon episodes. He will know or be taught how to use Aura since I feel like they really failed in using it to its potential in the episodes. If there are anymore details I'll be sure to address them as they come up.

Main Pairing: AshxPaul

Side pairing: AshxGary (One sided on Gary's part)

Rating: M (to be safe)

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon it belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, Creatures, The Pokemon Company, etc, nor do I write this for profit. This is for entertainment use only.

Enjoy! And don't forget to leave a review!

I do want to thank everyone who has left a review so far!


Chapter Text

The first thing Ash did after returning to the Center was let out his pokémon, besides Charmander, into his room where they could have some semblance of privacy to introduce their newest teammate. "Alright everyone," Ash said gaining the attention of his pokémon, "We got a new teammate. He's just a baby and I want to ask you all to be kind to him."

Nidorino was the first to move after Ash announced their new teammate. The larger poison type let out a small grunt and a nod while Sandile was next with a hiss and a light tail thump. Horsea trilled softly from where he was at in the tank. Pikachu, having already met their newest teammate, let out a soft cooing sound and ruffled his fur slightly.

"Thanks guys," Ash said softly as he grabbed the ball from his waist, "Well, here he is."

He lightly tapped the middle button causing the ball to open and with a red beam of light Charmander appeared with a soft growl. The albino shook slightly before peering around at his new surroundings and froze when he saw the other pokémon.

"It's alright," Ash said softly as he sent the baby a small smile, "They're your team now. Your family." The Charmander let out a small chirrup sound before turning back to the others. Surprisingly it was Sandile that approached first. Ash watched as the croc sniffed the small reptile before letting out a long low hiss before standing up tall and licked Charmanders' forehead. Slowly Charmanders' tail moved side to side before letting out a soft growl.

After Sandile, Nidorino approached to greet the baby of the group and Horsea let out a soft trill from his tank. Pikachu, having already greeted the reptile, stayed back and let the others have time with Charmander.

While the baby was getting use to the others Ash brought up his wrist with his Xtransceiver and scanned Charmander.

Charmander Entry #004

The Lizard Pokémon

The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions and health. The stronger and brighter the flame the healthier and happier the Charmander is. The weaker the flame seek immediate help. When Charmander is happy the flame on its tail waves happily, but when mad the larger and stronger the flame is. Charmander tend to stay with their family unit for a few weeks before venturing out on their own. Though usually solitary pokémon, Charmander do tend to make their own family units when in close quarters with others for long lengths of time.

This Charmander is male with the ability Blaze. It's current moves are, Growl, Ember, Scratch and has an egg move Dragon Tail.

Notes: This Charmander has been put under the classification Complete Albinism and shows more inbred dragonic energy than usual Charmander.

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