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Ash let out a soft pained grunt as he settled down onto a blanket he had placed under a tree. He had picked this area out in the pastures purposely for the fact that there was a pond nearby and for the shade the trees provided. The stitches ended up pulling a bit on his leg as he went down, but he paid them no mind after he had straightened his leg out. He also placed a pillow under his thigh to keep the stitches from scrunching up.

Once he was settled he took out the journal he kept all of his pokémons' progress in. He had looked over Kingdras' pokédex information last night after spending some time with his mother and saw that the massive seahorse had learned Dragon Pulse and Whirlpool during his evolution. He also remembered that he did forget to get the entry for Eevee so while she was out exploring before they began training he scanned her to see what moves she knew.

Eevee Entry #133

The Evolution Pokémon

Thanks to the unstable genetics of Eevee, the evolution pokémon has many forms in which it can evolve into. The evolutions can be triggered by a change in it's surroundings, or by the radiation from evolutionary stones. Eevee is one of the most adaptable pokémon alive. It's known evolutions consists of Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon. It is not known if Eevee will have any other evolutions or if they have yet to be discovered.

This Eevee is female and knows the moves, Bite, Last Resort, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Protect, and has the egg move Double Kick. This Eevee also has the ability Adaptability.

Researchers Note: If you or someone you know has come across an evolution of Eevee and it is none of the evolutions above please seek out your closest Researcher or call the Global Research Center at XXX-XXX-XXXX to see what you need to do. Thank you.

He noted it down in her entry in his journal, as well as a quick training plan for her, before he released everyone else. Zoroark shook out his fur before he began to look around for his little ones as he usually does when out and about. Doublade floated over towards him and gave Ash a once over before settling closer to him once she saw that he was injured. Charizard and Krookodile started a little match between themselves once they saw that they were in the pastures while Kingdra watched from the pond he had dipped himself in despite being able to stay on land now.

Vulpix, Riolu, Eevee, and surprisingly, Meowth began chasing each other around while Nidorino and Pikachu watched over them. Tyrantrum, his biggest pokémon, let out a loud long croon once he saw Ash and his tail started to whip back and forth, thankfully missing all of the others behind him. The ancient pokémon lowered his head a bit towards Ash and gave him a sniff before doing something that he had never done to Ash.

Ash looked up with wide eyes at Tyrantrum as his entire upper left side of his body was covered in the dinosaurs' saliva after the large reptile licked him. Thankfully it didn't smell horrible and he could wipe most of it off with his towel after giving Tyrantrum a scratch on his jaw in thanks. After making his hair sit down Ash called for all of his pokémon.

"Okay everyone! We'll be here for a while," he began from where he sat as Riolu climbed onto his uninjured leg, "as I recover from my injuries from the ship. We will train of course, but there is something I need to ask of you all for when we get ready to leave from here. I am quickly reaching the limits to how many of you guys I can take with me. I need some of you guys to stay here for a bit in case I need the space for another injured pokémon or to help the Professor transport a pokémon from one location to another. Is anyone here okay with staying for a bit? It won't be long, and you will be switched out with others along the way."

Ash watched as a few of his pokémon gave the others looks before looking at themselves, but what surprised him the most was the first pokémon that stepped forward. His beautiful albino baby let out a soft growl as he moved his tail slightly side to side in a somewhat hesitated movement. After Charizard stepped forward, so did Krookodile, and then surprisingly Tyrantrum.

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