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Ash sighed as he looked out the window of the plane Oak had gotten him a ticket for. He was tired and if he were to be honest, irritable. It didn't help that he wasn't allowed to have one of his pokémon, Pikachu, free on the plane. The little mouse was usually quick to calm him down and kept him grounded since he didn't like crowds all that much.

Thankfully Pikachu was okay with being in his ball for the flight to Kalos and back. Of course he had to be bribed with ketchup flavored treats, but he at least didn't electrocute anyone or thing.

Getting onto his flight was a chore and a half seeing as he had to get to the airport early to get his bags checked, then he had to register himself into their system seeing as he wasn't just a regular trainer and that he had sensitive information for a professor, then he had to register the pokémon he was taking with him. By the time they were done he was almost late in getting onto his plane to leave.

Which leaves him here. Tired and irritated and without something/one to cuddle.

He looked down at his watch once more and sighed as he saw that he only had an hour before he was set to land. Oak had called to give him a run down of what he was supposed to do when he landed while he was getting ready to get on the flight to Kalos. A man by the name, Alain, was going to be there waiting for him to get him to get registered as a worker in the Kalos region for a small period of time before taking him to the lab.

From there, if he was tired, he could either sleep there for the night or continue on towards the breeder. The breeder was only a day away from the lab by walking or a few hours by car. Thankfully, for Ash, Alain had offered to give him a ride either that day or the next depending on how tired he was.

Ash, though, had already decided on going to the breeder despite how tired he was. He was anxious about meeting the new member of the family. Getting there early just gave him more time to bond with his new pokémon before having to uproot it from the only place it knew. He had a few types in mind to look over.

He needed a grass type, a ghost type, a bug type, a normal type, an ice type, and a flying type. He would be on the lookout for those types, but here in Kalos there was a vast difference in pokémon and he hoped that this Alain, or the breeder, would help him choose correctly.

"Attention all passengers, this is your Captain speaking. In a few moments we will be landing. I would like to ask that all trays be put in their upright positions, electronics are shut off, and your seat belts are on! Thank you for flying Kalos Airlines, and I hope you had an enjoyable flight."

Ash let out a sigh of relief as he pushed the tray in front of him up, and then buckled himself in. He gripped his bag, the only luggage he brought with him, and looked out the window. Lumiose City, the largest City Ash had ever seen, was bright with all its lights on and from the sun's rays bouncing off reflective surfaces. Ash, as the plane lowered, saw four larger roads leaving from the massive center building and he assumed those were the main roads. Speaking of the massive building, he had never seen anything like it. It stood on four main 'legs' and easily reached the clouds as tall as it was.

The tower was still visible as the plane landed, quite smoothly, and they disembarked. The airport they were at was just as large as the city it was housed in. Ash speculated that everything in this Region was just going to be much larger than in his own and he tried his best to not get overwhelmed by the culture shock. As he walked to the main part of the airport, a weird language entered his ears, and as much as he tried to ignore it, as well as the foreign writing on the walls, he was getting more freaked out by it.

He hoped that this Alain at least spoke English.

He looked around the main room of the airport, where most people waited for their flights, to see if he could find the man Oak had described to him.

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