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This is cross posted to my Fanfiction site under the same name as it is on here. A few things before you begin reading. Ash is older at the start of his journey than in cannon. He is 16 years of age. Ash will be a bottom in his relationships. He will also capture pokemon he had not during the cannon episodes. He will know or be taught how to use Aura since I feel like they really failed in using it to its potential in the episodes. If there are anymore details I'll be sure to address them as they come up.

Main Pairing: AshxPaul

Side pairing: AshxGary (One sided on Gary's part)

Rating: M (to be safe)

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon it belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, Creatures, The Pokemon Company, etc, nor do I write this for profit. This is for entertainment use only.

Enjoy! And don't forget to leave a review!

I do want to thank everyone who has left a review so far!


Chapter Text

Ash was sitting in his room at the Center after coming back from the police station. His other pokémon had already met Zorua and had taken him in as well as they did with Charmander. The only one left to be seen was his little girl. The original reason he went to the police station.

He was rolling her ball in his hand as the others played around at his feet, well except for Sandile. The small croc was sunning himself by the windows with his jaws open to release heat. He only took a few moments before pressing the button on the ball and finally releasing his little girl. What appeared left his jaw dropped.

The first thing he noticed was the bright blue hair on her head that was cut into a bowl cut before the humanoid shape took him by surprise since his other pokémon didn't have humanoid bodies. The next thing he saw was the two orange horns parting her hair in the middle with the larger horn in the front. It looked as though she was wearing a long nightgown over her body and when Ash looked back up towards her head he saw two bright orange amber colored eyes peaking out from behind blue hair.

As he took in her appearance he also noticed the small scars officer Jenny mentioned as well as the few fresh scrapes she had. "Hi," Ash said softly so he didn't scare her as he smiled down at her, "My name's Ash. I'm going to be taking care of you from now on."

The tiny shiny Ralts held her skinny arms to her chest and trilled out a soft tune that sounded like softly chiming bells. Behind her his other pokémon stopped to look at her. Her voice was so soft and sounded angelic. Pikachu perked up and hopped over to stand by Ash and let out his own chittering sound. He turned back to Ash and mimicked hitting his arm a few times before pointing at the little shiny.

It took a moment before Ash figured out what Pikachu was trying to reenact. He looked at her wide eyed and told her that he wasn't going to hurt her in anyway and that she was going to be a part of their family. If she wanted to that is.

The next thing he knew he had his arms full of his little girl and she was crying, but he knew it wasn't from her being sad. She was happy. He just held her until she was calmed down. Afterwards he kept holding her as she was quite content on staying in his lap to be close to him. He did manage to get his Xtransceiver to scan her.

Ralts #280

The Feeling Pokémon

Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition. Ralts can also sense when a person or pokémon are hostile. If Ralts is feeling negative emotions for too long then it can become sick and must get treatment immediately.

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