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Ash sat alone back in the clearing as he thought of the mysterious pokémon that showed itself while at the breeders. After the creature disappeared Ash had asked Burt what the pokémon was, and from the way the old mans' face fell he wasn't sure the question had been a good one to ask.

"That pokémon was my little girls' best friend," Burt confessed as he took off his hat and scratched his head, "After my little flower passed away that Doublade stuck around the place. I don't know what it wants since it doesn't let me near it, but I've seen it lingering along clearings tree line. That clearing is where little Rose and Doublade played. I'm sure its' just waiting for her to come play. I've tried telling it that Rose is gone, but it vanishes before the words come out of my mouth."

The little girl, Rose, if he remembered correctly had already been gone for so long. For Doublade to still be around the clearing they played in showed him that their bond was strong and was something to be envied. He hoped to reach a bond with his pokémon like that one day.

Letting out a heavy sigh Ash looked over at the pokémon in the clearing. None of the ghosts from the day before were in the area while the others he had seen before were. Except for the Doublade. He had to be honest. He ended up looking up what exactly a Doublade was after being told what kind of pokémon it was. He didn't find much, but it was enough to intrigue him.

According to the multitude of studies he had read when a Honedge, its initial form, evolves into a Doublade the 'spirit' of the blades split to form the two blades its evolution shows. The two blades are able to speak telepathically with each other and it's because of that ability to do so Doublade becomes a rather formidable opponent. The sounds the creature makes is enough to unsettle an opponent or even make it flee in terror to the weaker minded and hearted.

On top of the unstoppable, masterful, sword play Doublade has a rather tough defense to get through. When evolved, with a dusk stone of all things, the twin blades form into one large blade and its plaque and sheathes become its shield. When evolved, Aegislash is capable of harnessing its spectral powers almost to a mastered state. It can manipulate humans and pokémon to a point of them doing its bidding, but it won't turn on its 'master' as long as the 'master' is worthy of its protection. Ash had also seen rumors that when an Aegislash, or its previous evolutions, attach to a human they were bound for greatness.

Ash though, he had no visions or dreams of being the greatest of anything. He only hoped to be the best he can be for himself and his pokémon and to help his loved ones fulfill their own dreams.

It also seemed like the Doublade he had seen was a shiny.

It only made Ash a little more curious to get to know it.

His attention was caught by Pikachu who decided to run into the tree line to follow something or another. Letting out a sigh he got up and began to follow his mouse. He knew that Pikachu would come back when he called him, and he trusted his pokémon to not get in trouble, but he was curious as to what got Pikachus' attention.

He managed to keep up with Pikachu even though he only got a few glimpses of his yellow fur through the greenness of the scenery around them. He didn't know how long he followed his mouse, but by the time he caught up to Pikachu they were in another clearing. It was larger than the other clearing and covered in tons of flowers of every color one could think of. The space was devoid of other pokémon besides the one he saw yesterday.

The sun glinted off its steel body as it floated in the middle of the clearing. Ash kept walking until he was beside his Pikachu where he stopped and kept his eyes on Doublade. The twin swords clanged together and Ash did his best not to flinch at the grating sound.

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