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This is cross posted to my Fanfiction site under the same name as it is on here. A few things before you begin reading. Ash is older at the start of his journey than in cannon. He is 16 years of age. Ash will be a bottom in his relationships. He will also capture pokemon he had not during the cannon episodes. He will know or be taught how to use Aura since I feel like they really failed in using it to its potential in the episodes. If there are anymore details I'll be sure to address them as they come up.

Main Pairing: AshxPaul

Side pairing: AshxGary (One sided on Gary's part)

Rating: M (to be safe)

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon it belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, Creatures, The Pokemon Company, etc, nor do I write this for profit. This is for entertainment use only.

Enjoy! And don't forget to leave a review!

I do want to thank everyone who has left a review so far!

Chapter Text

Ash nodded as he shrugged on his backpack that was filled with everything he needed before double checking his next destination on his watch. He had traveled home after defeating Erika, thanks to Professor Oaks' Alakazam, and spent a few days there to relax as he spoke to his mother and the Professor. His pokémon had gotten check ups with Oak and his team and were deemed healthy and whole meaning that Ash could kick Zorua and Ralts' training up.

Oak was especially interested in Ralts, Zorua, Charmeleon, Krokorok and Tyrunt seeing as they were new, or rather odd, pokémon that the man hadn't had the pleasure of studying. Also while he was there in the lab Oak had given him a few things to download into his watch of research of his pokémon he had done while Ash was away. Ash had thanked him before he skimmed the titles of the files. There was a file on Zorua, Krokorok, Ralts, and Tyrunt with all the information the old man could gather in their species.

He appreciated the effort that Oak went through to get the files.

"Ready to go?"

Ash looked up from his watch to see his mother standing in the doorway to his room. "Uh," Ash said as he mentally checked off a list he had in his head, "Yeah. I think so."

"Alright," Delia said as she smiled, "Oak wanted to talk to you before you left Pallet. So don't forget to swing by there before you leave."

Ash nodded and gave his mother a smile before kissing her cheek and gave her a big hug. "I won't," he said, "I'll be back before you know it!"

"I know," Delia replied as she held her son close. Ash seemed to have shot up in height and was almost as tall as she was. "Be careful," she said when she pulled away, "Be safe. And call when you can."

"Promise," Ash said softly before his mother let him go to leave. Pikachu let out a soft cooing sound and mimicked a salute to his mother before jumping up onto his trainers' shoulder. Ash left the house, but not without saying goodbye to Mr. Mime, and started heading towards the Lab where he had left his pokémon to relax and enjoy the food Oak was giving them.

As he neared the Lab he could hear the many calls of pokémon not native to the areas around Pallet getting louder. He sighed as he heard the calls of two of his own pokémon, Krokorok and Charmeleon. Lately those two had been at heads with each other and wanting to fight at every opportunity. So far it's been a blessing that neither of them has injured the other bad enough to scar or break bones. Or that Tyrunt had joined them in their fights.

He was a bit grateful for Nidorino during the times they fought. The short purple lizard had started to become the voice of reason between the two and could usually break up the fights before they got too far. The others were too small to help break them up or they weren't there at all if they were with Oak during the time the fight started.

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