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This is cross posted to my Fanfiction site under the same name as it is on here. A few things before you begin reading. Ash is older at the start of his journey than in cannon. He is 16 years of age. Ash will be a bottom in his relationships. He will also capture pokemon he had not during the cannon episodes. He will know or be taught how to use Aura since I feel like they really failed in using it to its potential in the episodes. If there are anymore details I'll be sure to address them as they come up.

Main Pairing: AshxPaul

Side pairing: AshxGary (One sided on Gary's part)

Rating: M (to be safe)

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon it belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, Creatures, The Pokemon Company, etc, nor do I write this for profit. This is for entertainment use only.

Enjoy! And don't forget to leave a review!

I do want to thank everyone who has left a review so far!

Chapter Text

Ash was already up and ready with his pokémon by the time the Captain of the guard knocked on his door. Opening it he saw a rather stern looking man with two others in what they would deem civilian clothes around here. One man, a red haired blue eyed man, wore a pair of dark cloth like pants and a white shirt while the other man, he had green eyes and black hair, wore light brown cloth pants and a grey shirt. Strapped on each of their hips were belts with pokéballs and swords attached to them.

"Mr. Ketchum," the stern looking man said and stepped aside so Ash could leave his room, "I'm Captain Herris. These two are Knights Arturo and Nicolet they will be accompanying you to the Aura Ruins. Arturo go to the kitchen before you leave and gather some food for you three. Do try to be back by nightfall."

Ash watched as Herris left the three of them standing in the hallway. The red haired man, Arturo, started walking the other way, "This way to the kitchens Mr. Ketchum," he said as Nicolet followed Ash from behind after he began to Arturo.

"Please, just Ash," Ash said as he looked at the paintings on the walls through the hall. There weren't many, but there was enough for him to get distracted. Pikachu, who had jumped on his shoulder before they left the room, chirped softly and nuzzled his cheek as if he had felt the nervousness his trainer felt.

"Then just call us Arturo and Nicolet," Nicolet said moving to walk beside the dark haired teen, "We aren't much older than you are. No need to call us Knight."

Ash nodded as he was led deeper into the castle to where he assumed the kitchen was. The further they went down the less decorated the castle was, but Ash could tell it was still kept in a nicely neat order and well cleaned. The hall that they had turned into only had one opening and there wasn't even a door to it, but Ash could see, hear, and smell the evidence of the kitchen.

He could smell freshly baked bread and spices as the chefs cooked the morning meals for the residents of the castle. His mouth watered as they entered the warm room thanks to the ovens. "We'll have breakfast before we leave to given them time to procure a bad of food," Arturo said as he led Ash to a square table near the corner of the room. It had four chairs to it and Ash decided to pick the chair closest to the wall since he didn't want to have his back to the rest of the room.

"What do you want to eat? Does your Pikachu want anything?" Nicolet asked Ash as the yellow mouse in question jumped off his shoulder and onto the table.

"Um what ever is available is fine," Ash hummed and looked down at Pikachu and saw pleading eyes and he knew that Pikachu didn't want pokéfood, "Eggs and some bacon for him if that's okay. Thank you." Ash sighed softly. His Pikachu was a glutton. He had already fed his pokémon in his room before he was retrieved and escorted to the kitchen.

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