The Escape

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Bitties were very popular companions that everyone wanted. They were cute and lovable creatures that needed love to survive. Sadly, there weren't many laws that protected bitties from being adopted by abusive owners. In fact, that's why you were in the situation you were in right now.

You had been adopted by an extremely aggressive person who abused you for three months. You were getting very sick due to the fact that you weren't getting the love you needed to live. The only reason that you were still alive was because you PERSEVERED through the abuse, but you knew that if you stayed any longer you would die. So, today was the day that you decided that you were going to leave.

It was very early in the day and your owner wasn't awake yet. You were currently sitting under the couch trying to stay warm. Your owner didn't give you a bed or blankets and you barely had any clothes. Most of your small body was showing with the lack of clothes you had.

You used to be beautiful but now your ribs showed and your cheeks were sunken. Your body is covered in scars and cuts. You were so pale that you almost looked like a ghost. You (h/l) hair used to be silky and soft, now it's ratty and dry. You don't remember the last time you had a proper bath. Your eyes were dull and tired when they used to be full of life and joy.

You knew that you had a small chance of surviving on the streets but you also knew that you had no chance of living if you stayed here. You were DETERMINED to survive and live on your own. You never wanted to depend on anyone to survive ever again.

You hear your owner walking around as you start to shake in fear. You hear them cuss and saying that they were late. You stay under the couch as you hear the front door open and then close. You sigh, thankful that they woke up late and didn't have time to hurt you.

You slowly move out from under the couch and start to wonder around, looking around for a way to escape. You notice that the window in the living room was slightly open. You go to the window but it's too high up for you to reach. You look around to see if you could climb on something to reach your escape exit. Much to your delight you see a chair close to the edge of the window.

You smile for the first time in months and begin to scale the chair. When you reach the sit you notice that you'd have to jump in order to reach the window sill. You are filled with BRAVERY as you jump. You land on the other side but hurt your ankle in the process. You cry out in pain but quickly shut your mouth. You always got in trouble when you talked. After all, pets are to be seen, not heard.

You shake your head and crawl to the window. You were skinny enough that you could fit through the opening but frown when you realize that you were not close to the ground. You sit down and think about a way to get to the ground. After a while you decide that you were going to try and climb down.

You are making good progress when your bad foot slips and you fall to the ground with a thud. You cringe in pain and get up. You were free!

You quickly run to the street and go in a random direction. You stop when you smell food and follow your nose to the sweet aroma. You make your way to a place called Grillby's. You smile as you see a single fry on the ground. You quickly make your way over and eat it. It was the most food you had in a day. Happy to finally have something in your stomach, you hide in an overturned plastic cup and drift off into an uneasy sleep. 

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