Seeing Him Again

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You turn around with alarming speed to which you instantly regret. The soreness in your back makes you jump and tears form in your eyes from the pain. You try to stand only to faceplant on the concrete. You hastily sit back up. You watch Sans take a step closer to you hesitantly as if afraid that you'd run away. He stares at you straight in the eyes with a pleading look, like he was asking you to trust him. The thing was that you did trust him and he knew that but it was like he didn't think that you would. You tilt your head in confusion. This wasn't like the first time. You were supposed to meet him in a month. Why was he here now? He couldn't remember the resets, could he? From what you could tell no one else remembered them.

"Hey Buttercup..." Sans sighs with a pained expression. "No, they wouldn't remember," he mumbles to himself. 'What won't I remember?' you think as you sigh and try to stand up again. Sans flinches at the sudden movement. You ignore him for now and continue to struggle against the pain. "Can I help you?" he asks with worry in his voice. You turn yourself to face him and nod you head. He seems surprised at your response. He hesitates for a moment before making his way towards you slowly, as if expecting you to run at any given moment. You sit patiently as he kneels down to pick you up. "Is this really Buttercup?" he says in a low voice. You give him a confused look.

'Of course, it's me.' you sign. Sans' eyelights widen as he watches you.

"Y-you remember?" he stutters, bewildered. you nod your head and give him a small smile. "How?" he asks. You shrug but flinch as the pain in your back begins to worsen. This does not go unnoticed by Sans.

"Are you okay?" he asks. You sigh and turn you back towards him. You knew that you couldn't hid the injuries from him and that he'd do whatever it took to make sure that you were fine. You knew you could trust him. You slowly lift your shirt, wincing a bit when it got caught on an open wound.

Once your shirt was high enough for Sans to see what was hurting up you wait for him to say something. You thought that he would start to freak out and run to the bitty shop but instead he did nothing.

"Who did this?" Sans says in a very calm voice. Even though you couldn't see his face you somehow got goosebumps. You were afraid to turn around but against your better judgement you did. You were terrified by what you saw. His eyelights were gone only to be replaced with a large glowing orb of blue and yellow magic in his left eye. His smile looked strained and magic started surrounding you. If you didn't know better you would of thought that he was going to kill you. You lightly pat the hand that you were sitting on. That seemed to get him out of his murderous trance but the magic stayed, as if it was trying to protect you.

" Let's get you to Dr. Firwillikins. He'll be able to help, even if he doesn't remember you." Sans says with a sigh. He places you in his jacket pocket and start to leave the alley. "Also, don't eat food that you find on the floor. That could be very bad for you". You blush slightly at his comment. 'How else am I supposed to eat without someone taking care of me?' you think as you pout.

It took about fifteen minutes to get to Dr. Firwillikins' shop. During the entire walk Sans didn't stop talking to you. It made you happy to hear his voice again. When Sans met the doctor he asked for a private place to talk to which Dr. Firwillikins hesitantly agrees to. You couldn't really blame him though, you would be suspicious too if a random person asked to see you in private saying that it was an emergency. The doctor takes Sans to a room at the back of the store near the rescues are.

"What do you need to talk to me about, sir." Dr. Firwillikins says.

Sans then proceeds to tell Dr. Firwillikins what had happened. He told the doctor about finding a bitty in an alley who looks like they've bee through pure torture and hasn't eaten in weeks. Sans also mentioned that the bitty doesn't talk. When Sans is finished explaining, the doctor still seems skeptical.

"How do you know so much about this bitty if you never meet them before?" Dr. Firwillikins asks. Sans seems taken aback by this question.

"I have met them before but I didn't know that they were mistreated until now," he responds. The doctor sighs and turns to leave.

"Alright, take me to them so I can see what I can do." Dr. Firwillikins says as he walks through the door and into the room where his medical supplies are. Sans follows Dr. Firwillikins into the room as he starts to pack up the things that he needs.

"That won't be a problem. I convinced them to come with me." Sans says as he brings you out of the jacket pocket. Dr. Firwillikins turns to see you sitting in on Sans' hand. His eyes widen at your state.

"Oh my stars," he shouts as he rushes up to you. You flinch at his movements. "I am so sorry, little one. Give them to me, please." Sans nods his head as he places you in the claws of the doctor. The doctor is quick to shoos Sans out of the room. He then give you the proper amount of medicine to put you to sleep. Within a minute you fall asleep and the doctor starts his work.

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