Unexpected Visits

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It was about two days after you met the gang and you are happier then you had ever been before. Your relationship with the brothers couldn't be better and your soul was slowly but surely healing. You were happy to be with the brothers but you didn't want to get too attached. You knew that in about four days you were going to go back to the bitty shop. You wanted to cry when you thought about going back. You wanted to stay with the brothers but you knew that you were only a temporary guest.

Right now, you are drawing a picture for Sans and Papyrus. You want to give them something to remember you by before you leave. You had somehow stolen a regular sized paper and a small pencil without the brothers noticing. You hum a soft tune as you focus on your drawing. You were almost done with your picture and you were happy with the results. It was a drawing of you, Sans, and Papyrus standing side by side. You were so focused on your drawing that you didn't notice Sans walking in.

"What 'cha doing there?" Sans says, startling you. You jump and quietly squeak in surprise. Sans freezes as he hears your voice. You turn around to see Sans' face covered in blue blush. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he says. He starts to walk to the table you were sitting on but stops when he sees your drawing. You blush in embarrassment but start to freak out when he doesn't say anything. 'Is he mad at me?' you think as you start to shake in fear. Sans notices this and immediately picks you up. He whispers comforting words to you as you start to calm down from you mini panic attack. You look up at him with tears in your eyes. "Are you okay?" he asks, looking at you with worry. You turn away from him and look at your picture. You are starting to regret drawing it. "It's beautiful." he says. You turn to look at Sans as he gives you a small smile. "Do you..." he says, looking rather nervous as he refuses to look at you in the eyes. "Do you think I can keep it?" He asks, blushing. You giggle at his embarrassment and nod your head. He blushes even more as he picks up the picture with his free hand. "Thanks," he says, giving you a shy smile. You smile at him and watch as his blush grows. Before anything else could be said, the doorbell rang. Sans looks at you before walking over to the door and opening it. Frisk and Toriel stood there with smiles in their face.

"Hello Sans," Toriel says as Frisk waves at you.

"Hey Tori." Sans replies, " What are you doing here?"

"Did you forget that Frisk is here to teach y/n sign language?" She says with a laugh. Sans blushes as he nods his head.

You look up at Sans and sigh. 'He forgot something so important,' you think as Sans let's the two of them inside. Sans puts you on the table and sits down on a chair. Frisk comes along and sits in front of you. She starts to sign and Sans translates what she is saying.

"She says that you'll be learning the alphabet today." You nod and turn toward Frisk as she starts to sign the alphabet to you. You focus on the pattern and try to mimic the actions yourself. 'This is going to take awhile,' you think as your lesson continues.

About two hours later, you were comfortable with the alphabet and now learning basic words. You were getting tired but you didn't want to stop your lesson. Sadly, you couldn't contain a yawn and rub your eyes. You hear Sans chuckle as he stands up.

"Alright I think that's enough for today." He says as Frisk nods in agreement. Frisk stands up and walks to the kitchen where Toriel is. You look up at Sans as he picks you up and brings you to his room.

He sets you down on the nightstand and you sleepily crawl in the bed. You curl up under the blankets and sigh happily. You hear Sans laugh.

"Have a good nap, Buttercup" he says as he walk away and closes the door. You soon find yourself asleep and dreaming peacefully.

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