All Good Things Must Come To An End

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Today was the day you were going back to the bitty shop. You were scared to see the other bitties after what had happened with Judy. You hope that Ray wouldn't make the same mistake of leaving you alone with the others. You wish that you could stay with the brothers. Your soul throbs at the thought of leaving them. You thought back on what Papyrus had said the night before, "We are their family". 'Did he really mean that?' you thought as you rub your chest, your soul hurt and you think you know why. You felt like your family was abandoning you and it hurt more then all the the beatings from your old owner.

You sigh and look over at Sans you is peaceful sleeping on his bed. It was early morning and you could hear Papyrus in the kitchen. You are currently, sitting on the edge of the nightstand, deep in thought. You didn't know how to ask Sans if you could stay. You didn't want to overstep any boundaries or make things awkward between you two before you left. You feel you eyes began to water as you thought of never seeing them again. Your soul start to throb even more.

"Are you okay, Buttercup?" Sans' voice cuts through your thoughts as you jump in surprise. You flinch so violently that you ended up falling off the edge of the nightstand. You close your eyes as you brace yourself for impact but after a few seconds you open your eyes to see that you were surrounded by blue magic. Sans looks at you with concern before bringing you to his hand.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." he says. He nods in approval after making sure that you were all right. You give him a small smile to show him that it was alright. He smiles back and puts you back on the nightstand. He gives you some of your clothes and leaves the room with his own pair of clothes. You quickly change and wait for a few minutes before Sans walks back into the room.

"You ready to go get breakfast?" he asks. You nod your head as he brings his hand down to the nightstand. You climb on his hand with no hesitation. He sets you on his shoulder as he walks downstairs and into the kitchen.

"HELLO BROTHER! TINY HUMAN!" Papyrus says with a strained smile. You just him a small wave as he finishes making breakfast. Sans sits down and you silently watch Papyrus. It was probably the quietest morning with the brothers that you have ever had. You sigh and climb down Sans' jacket to sit down on the table.

After a few minutes, Papyrus sets the food on the table. You stared at the food. You weren't hungry so you pushed away the food that was given to you. You noticed the hurt expression on Papyrus' face and look away only to see Sans looking at you with a worried look. You take a deep breath as you start to tremble. Your mind starts to race as you breathing increases at a rapid pace. You don't notice that you are crying until Sans tries to wipe your tears away. You flinch as you see his hand get closer to you. Out of panic, you run away from his hand only to be blocked by Papyrus' gloves. You are panicking so bad at this point that you realize that you can't breath anymore.

You hear a loud crack followed by a sharp pain in your chest. It doesn't take long for Sans and Papyrus to start panicking when they see you cough up blood. You don't hear much but you think you heard Sans telling Papyrus to call Dr. Firwillikins.

You start to feel yourself slip in and out of consciousness. You notice that the doctor was there and trying to do something to help you. You also notice that you were in Sans' hands. Suddenly, you feel you soul break. The last thing you see is Sans face before you close your eyes.

Sans stares at you lifeless body as he watches your soul snap in half. Everything seems to freeze. After a minute, Papyrus breaks down crying. Dr. Firwillikins looks away but he was also crying. Sans felt... numb. He had just watch you die in his hands and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt tears roll down his face as he stares at you body.

The three of the jump as they hear the doorbell ring. Papyrus slowly gets up and limps to the door. When he opens the door a small gasp could be heard.

"Oh my, Papyrus is everything ok?" Sans could hear the voice of Toriel. He continues to cradle your body as he hears Papyrus explain what had just happened to her. He continues to stare at you before an idea hits him. His eyes widen as he careful sets your body down on the table. He makes his way over to the door where he see Toriel and Frisk.

He can see tears in both of their eyes as the hear the news about you but he is quick to pull Firsk aside. He pulls them into his room and shuts the door. He turns towards Frisk and says something that he never thought he would ever say.

"Frisk, c-can you reset?" 

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