Grillby and Sans

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You start breathing heavily as the two monsters make their way to the door. You are scared of what they might do to you so out of pure fear you bit Sans, hard. He yelps in pain and drops you. You land on your feet and hurt your ankle, again, but don't make a sound. You have no time to waste, though. You quickly try to find a way out of the alley and onto the street. You are about to make it to the street when Grillby blocks your path.

"Please, little one, calm down. We just want to help," he says in a fatherly tone.

Your heart races and you breathe even harder. Grillby took this as an opportunity to pick you up. You go to bite him but he doesn't drop you. He takes you into the restaurant and into the kitchen, Sans close behind.

"I'm going to set you down now, but only if you promise not to run away." Grillby says in a stern voice.

You nod and he puts you on the counter. You stay still and watch the two monsters closely. The two are shocked by your appearance now that they see you clearly. Your hair is clumped together and untamed. Your clothes are rags and you don't have any shoes. You are pale and way too skinny to be healthy. You look really sick and tired. Overall, you're a mess.

"We need to take them to a bitty shop." Sans says. You immediately stand up and run to hide behind something. You don't want to go back to a bitty shop. You don't want to go back to a bad home. You never want to be adopted again. You are now hiding behind a microwave while Grillby and Sans are trying to get you out.

"Please come out." Grillby says with a quiet voice. You move farther behind the microwave. "We just want to help you." You sit down and curl into a little ball. You hear Sans sigh and whisper something to Grillby.

"Hey kid, would you like some food?" Sans asks. You lift your head and slowly crawl to the edge of the microwave. You peek your head out to see Sans staring at you and Grillby making some fries.

"You know fries weren't actually made in France. Sans says, grinning. "They were made in Greece." You hear Grillby groan in annoyance while you just stare at Sans. "Tough crowd, huh." he says as Grillby walks over with fries in hand.

"Be careful, they're hot." Grillby says as he sets them down on the counter. You crawl to the fries and begin to nibble on one of them. You hear Sans sigh as he turns to Grillby.

"They don't want to go to the shop," Sans says.

"I know, but we can't force them to go." Grillby replies without looking away from you. They both stay quiet as they watch you. It makes you feel uncomfortable.

"What if we bring the doctor here?" Sans says suddenly. You stop eating as you hear this. 'A doctor?' you think 'They're just trying to get rid of me.' you shake your head as you continue to eat. 'Once I'm done eating I got to figure out a way out of here.' You are too busy lost in thought to notice that Sans was calling a nearby bitty shop to see if they could get a doctor to come and see your condition.

A few minutes go by when you hear the front door open. Grillby leaves to see who had come in and you took this chance to try to escape. Sadly, you don't see an exit and start to panic. That is when Grillby and a lizard like monster enter the kitchen. Out of fear you run back to the microwave and hide behind it. You hear the others looking for you before you see another bitty look at you from your hiding spot.

You gave them pleading eyes to not tell the others where you were. You only get a smile and then they turn around and yell, "I found them!". They grab you and drag you out of your hiding spot. You struggle against them and start to cry. They notice this and stop pulling you but you were already out of your hiding spot and in front of the doctor. Your heart starts beating uncontrollable and your breathing increases. The doctor notices this and tries to calm you down only for everything to turn black as you pass out.

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