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Sans paces around a new room nervously, it's been three hours since Dr.Firwillikins kicked him out of the previous room and there was no signs of him coming out. Thoughts of the worst scenarios race in his head as the clock continued to taunt him. After he was asked to leave, Sans immediately talked to Papyrus about where he was and what he was doing. Papyrus was a little confused at first about his brother caring for a tiny human that he never met before but was quick to understand that they was important to Sans for some reason. Sans was happy that Papyrus didn't ask any questions and honestly didn't want to come up with any excuses. He was more worried about your health more than anything else at the moment.

A few hours later Frisk came to visit the shop but didn't stay for long. Sans was not happy with Frisk but didn't blame them for what happened, after all he was the one who asked them to reset first. Strangely, after the first initial reset, Frisk had lost control of themselves and went on a rampage, destroying anyone who came across them. After a few dozen resets of this non stop aggression and violence, something changed and the last reset that resulted in a whole new "ending". This ending caused the button Frisked called the "Reset button" and "Continue button" to disappeared completely and instead both were swapped out with two bodies with two separate souls, one human and one monster. The Reset button turned into the body of a human child with the soul of determination. This child had brown hair and red eyes who was easily identified as Chara, the adopted child of the king and queen. The Continue button took the form of a goat like monster with white fur and green eyes, who everyone knew as Asriel, the prince of the underground. Everyone, especially the queen and king, were surprised but extremely happy to see the children that were thought to be gone for good.

With the barrier broken and everything better then before they moved to the surface where Sans found the badly hurt y/n. With this Frisk was quick to learn about y/n's condition and went to visit since they remembered their mute bitty friend from before the strange resets. When Frisk meet up with Sans, he quickly filled them in with what had happened. Frisk also found it strange that y/n remembered the resets but couldn't dwell on it for long as they realized that they need to get home to Toriel and their new siblings. So Frisk said their goodbyes and asked Sans to keep them updated on y/n's condition. Neither Sans or Frisk tried not to think about the worst outcome of the whole ordeal because if y/n didn't make it, there was no way to bring them back.

After Frisk leaves, Sans is once again left alone in the room to worry about y/n. As the hours continue to pass, Sans couldn't help but to grow more and more anxious and there was nothing to distract him from his mind. Finally, after six hours of waiting Dr.Firwillikins walks out of the room looking content. He gives Sans a small smile and beckons him to come inside to room where a sleeping y/n waits. They stop at where y/n is fast asleep and is obviously at peace and relaxing. That this sight Sans automatically calms down and let out a long sigh. Sans turns to Dr.Firwillikins who was also looking at you.

"Thank you for this." Sans says causing the doctor to look over at him.

"You're very welcome," he replies with a smile but his expression quickly changes to a very serious and angry look. "Now would you mind explaining what exactly happened to them?" Sans was quick to glare at the floor with a dark look on his face, his almost permanent smile now completely gone. The doctor was quick to realize that whatever happened to this bitty was not Sans' fault. With one good look at Sans, he realized, without a single doubt in the world, that this monster loved and cared for this bitty more then life itself. Dr.Firwillikins turns back to the sleeping bitty no longer worried about the safety of their well being. As long as the bitty is with Sans everything will be fine. "Whoever did this will not get away with this," Dr.Firwillikins states. Sans immediately knew this was not an empty threat or a lie, this was a promise and a fact because Sans knew that he, himself, wasn't going to let the human garbage who did this to HIS bitty get away with this. "I suggest leaving them here for a while so I can monitor their health, but you are more than welcome to visit whenever you want. However I don't know when they will wake up, their injuries were not normal by any means," he continues with a angry look in his eyes at the memory of the wounds found on the bitty. "You said you met them before, so you know their name correct?" Dr.Firwillikins asks as he turns towards Sans.

"Yeah, their name is y/n," Sans replies as he removes his gaze from your sleeping form. Dr.Firwillikins nods his head as he writes the name on a paper and a few extra notes before setting the clipboard down and turns toward the door.

"I suggest you go home and rest for the day, it's been an exhausting day for the both of us." and with those words the doctor opens the door and disappears out of the room. Sans turns back to you and softly rubs your head with his thumb as if he was scared to hurt you.

"Please be okay, I can't imagine life without hearing your voice at least once. I know it has to be one of the most wonderful sounds anyone could hear."

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