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You wake up the next day feeling sore but better. You were no longer bleeding and bandaged up. You were wearing a white shirt and black pants. You notice that you are in your crate but your crate was in a different room. You are looking around the room when you see the door to your left open. Dr. Firwillikins walks in and smile at you when he notices that you are awake.

"Good morning, little one." He says "How are you feeling?". You stare at him and remain quiet. His smile falls a little when he realizes that you're not going to answer. "Sorry, I forgot" he says "How about we do yes and no questions, is that okay?" he asks with a twinkle in his eye. You nod slowly as he gives you a delighted smile.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks as he pulls out a clipboard. You nod, he writes something down. "Did Feather hit you?". You nod again, he scribbles something down on the paper. "Did you have a panic attack?" you nod and he sighs "I'm sorry, little one. Do you know what triggered it?" You nod. For some reason he perks up. "Do you have a name?" he asks with excitement. You pause and slowly shake your head no. He sighs but then suddenly perks up again. "Can I give you a name?". You freeze and think about it before nodding.

"Great!" he says as he stands up. "I'll think of one later. I have to check up on the others." He starts to get up before he stops. "One more question." he says "Do you know how to write?" You shake your head no. He looks disappointed but smiles anyway. "Okay, I best be off." he says as he leaves the room.

It was about an hour later when Dr. Firwillikins comes back in with a plate of food. "Hello, little one, you have a visitor" he says with a smile. As soon as he says that a short skeleton walks into the room. "Hey kiddo." Sans says with a lazy grin. "I came to check up on you." You glare at him and see that he's getting nervous.

If he hadn't called Dr. Firwillikins you would be in this mess. So, naturally, you were upset with him. You let out a huff and turn away from him. Even though he knew that you were mad at him, he couldn't stop himself from cooing at your adorableness.

"Aw, come on, kiddo, don't be like that." he says. You turn around and stick your tongue out at him. His face turns a light blue and looks away from you. You turn a bright red as you hear him mutter 'cute' under his breath. You puff your cheeks and curl your hands into little fists by your side. The blue on his face becomes more noticeable as he hides his face behind his hands. You start to pout as you feel your face heat up even more.

"Come on, Buttercup, don't do that, you're killing me with your cuteness." he says as you turn into a tomato. You retreat to the back of the crate and curl up. You hear Dr. Firwillikins laugh.

"I do believe that this is the first time they interacted with anyone like this." Dr. Firwillikins says. "It's a nice change to see." He places the plate of food in your crate. You make you way over to the plate of food and start nibbling on a little grape. You listen in on the conversation that was being held by Sans and Dr. Firwillikins.

"Have they spoken yet?" Sans asks.

"No, not yet. I ran a test and their vocal cords aren't damaged so I don't know why they aren't talking unless it's some kind of trauma." Dr.Firwillikins responds.

"That's disappointing. I wish that I knew why they were on the streets for a whole month." Sans replies with a sigh.

"I think we all do." Dr. Firwillikins says.

You huff in annoyance, don't they know it's rude to talk about someone who's listening. You finish eating as you yawn sleepily.

"Are you tired?" Dr. Firwillikins asks as he notices your yawn. You nod your head as your eyes start to droop. "Well before you go to sleep, I want you to know that I thought of a name for you." You suddenly perk up in excitement.

"How do you like the name y/n?"

You think the name over in your head. It had a nice ring to it. You happily nod your head and Dr. Firwillikins claps his hands with delight.

"That's great." he says "It's nice to finally have something to call you, y/n."

"That's great, Buttercup, you got a name." Sans says, his lazy smile back on his face. Dr. Firwillikins laughs.

"Why are you calling them Buttercup if you know their new name?" Dr. Firwillikins asks with a chuckle. Sans shrugs.

"Buttercup just seems right."

"Their name is now y/n, Sans." Dr. Firwillikins says with pride.

"Nah, they're always gonna be Buttercup to me." Sans says as he walks away. You look up at Dr. Firwillikins as he sighs. "What are we going to do with him?" he asks you. You shrug as he opens the crate and gives you a bitty blanket and pillow. You take them with a grateful nod.

"Have a good sleep, y/n." 

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