Back In The Shop

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You wake up, dizzy. Your arm felt tender and your back felt sore. You look at yourself and notice that you are covered in bandages and wearing new clothes. You also notice that you are in a new room. Sadly, you are in a crate. You hated being locked up. You turn around when you hear a door open. You see the doctor walk in, reading some papers. He looks up and sees that you are awake.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" he asks. 'Why does everyone expect me to talk?' you think as you look around trying to get a better understanding of where you were. You hear Dr. Firwillikins sigh as he writes something down on his clipboard.

"I hope we can get along and I want you to know that you are safe," he says as he opens the crate. You back up until you feel the back of the crate rub up against you. "I know you're scared but I would really like it if you meet the other rescues. It would help with the lack of attention you've had to deal with for the last month." You shake your head and try to flatten yourself against the back of the crate.

You didn't want attention or any type of contact with anyone. They said that they won't hurt you, and yet here you were locked in a cage and sore. You wanted to go back to your alley and eat more of Grillby's food. You wanted to go home and they were preventing that from happening. You hear Dr. Firwillikins sigh again as he closes the crate.

"I'll bring you some food." he says as he walks away. You hear the door open and close. You were now alone and left with your thoughts. 'I need to get out of here.' you think as you get up and head towards the front of the crate. You try to open it but there was a lock on it that you couldn't reach. You were stuck here.

You go back to one of the corners of the crate and curl up into a ball. You start to silently cry as you hear the door open once again. You don't bother to get up. Maybe if they think you died they would throw you back out on the streets. You hear the crate open. You smell fruit and cheese as you hear a plate being placed in the crate. You start to stir as your tummy starts to growl. When you look, the door is already closed and no one is there. You make your way to the food and start to eat.

When you finish eating you head back to your corner and try to fall asleep. Sadly, there was too much on your mind for you to fall asleep. You wanted to be free again. You didn't want to be adopted. You wanted to go back home. You hear the door open once again and you look over to see a woman standing there.

"Hi, I'm Judy and I'm going to be taking care of you." She says with a sickly smile. Her smile reminded you of your old owner. You don't like her one bit. She opens the crate and reaches in to grab you. You try to get away but she gets a hold of you and squeezes you, crushing your ribs and making it hard to breath. She then takes you to a back room and tries to remove your clothes so you could take a bath but you didn't know that.

Out of fear you bite her. Her grip on you becomes even tighter and you bite her harder. She then throws you and you hit the wall, knocking the wind out of you. You hit the ground with a painful whimper.

"You pathetic piece of crap. How dare you bite me!" she says with a hiss. She was holding her hand as it was now bleeding. She leaves the room to fix her hand, leaving you alone. You slowly get up with pain and drag yourself behind a trash can. Why was it always you? Why were you the one who got the bad people? Or were all people bad? Nevertheless, the doctor lied to you. He said that you were safe here and it's obvious that you're not.

You hear her enter the room and call out for you. You don't move from your spot. You hear a string of cuss words as she tries to find you. You feel the trash can move and you look up in fear.

"There you are," she says sweetly. She reaches down and picks you up harshly. She then bathes you roughly until your skin is raw and throws you back in the crate.

You curl up in your corner and cry yourself to sleep. If only you didn't get caught.

Save Me (Sans x Bitty Reader)Where stories live. Discover now