Meeting the Others

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You wake up to the smell of food. You slowly sit up and rub you eyes. "Good morning," Dr. Firwillikins says " I trust that Judy gave you a bath yesterday?". You stare at him as he puts the food into the crate. "She is one of our best workers here," he explains as you make your way to the food. You start to nibble on a carrot when Judy walks in.

"Are they going to join the others today?" Judy asks with a sweet voice.

"I hope so, but it's up to her. The sooner they meets the other rescues the sooner they can live with them." Dr. Firwillikins says with a sigh. While they are talking you finish your food. Just before crawling back to your corner Dr. Firwillikins turns towards you.

"Do you wish to meet the others?" he asks. You think over your options. 'If I say no then Judy gets more chances to hurt me. If I say yes then I will not be hurt as much but I have to be around others.' You slowly nod your head. 'Being around others isn't as bad as being hurt' you think. You look up to see a disappointed Judy and a delighted Dr. Firwillikins.

"Wonderful!" he says, smiling. "I shall go tell the others." He walks out of the room, taking your plate with him. Judy turns to you, her anger shown all over her face.

"Just because you're going to meet the others doesn't mean that you can escape from me." She growls at you. "I still haven't forgiven you for biting me." You shrink back in fear. She huffs and walks after the doctor. You sigh in relief and go back to your corner to wait for Dr. Firwillikins to come back.

After an hour of waiting you start to get really bored. You are pacing in the crate when you hear the door open. You see Dr. Firwillikins walk in looking nervous. You tilt your head in confusion as he walks to your crate.

"The others are ready to see you now." he says as he opens the door to your crate. "I'm sorry it took so long. They don't really trust new people but I convinced them to give you a chance." He puts his hand down on the floor of the crate. You make your way to his hand and slowly get on it. He doesn't seem to mind your hesitation. He smiles at you once you're on his hand. You hug one of his claws to steady yourself as he starts to walk out the door and into a room where all the rescues are.

As you enter the room you see five other bitties sitting on a table. Dr. Firwillikins sets you down on the table as one of the bitties makes their way to you.

"Hello, I am Luna," she says with a nervous smile. You stare at her and notice that she is missing an eye. You nod but don't say anything. "Um... what's your name?". You flinch at her question. 'I don't want to talk' you think as you turn to the doctor.

"They haven't said a word to anyone," Dr. Firwillikins explains "We think they're mute." Luna looks at Dr. Firwillikins then at you.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" she says as another bitty come up and hugs her from behind.

"It's okay, Luna. Calm down, you did nothing wrong." says the boy who was hugging Luna. "I'm Apollo. I'm Luna's brother." he introduces himself. You look at him careful and notice that he's like you. He has a ton of scars littering his body. 'At least he can talk' you think as you nod at him.

"The ones behind me are Feathers, Sunflower, and Cookie." He points to each out of them as he says their name. You observe the three of them. Feathers was missing an arm but gave you a small wave with her good one. Sunflower was in a bitty wheelchair, from what you could tell she was paralyzed from the waist down. There wasn't anything physically wrong with Cookie but you could tell that she was a bit insane.

You give each one of them a nod as if to say 'hello'. Cookie gave you a crazed smile and runs up to you. When she reaches you she punches you in the stomach. You cringe in pain but don't scream or cry out.

"They really can't talk!" Cookie yells as the others come running over to help you. You end up losing you breakfast and everyone jumps back in surprise. "Ew!" Cookie says as she starts to laugh.

"Cookie!" says Dr. Firwillikins as he picks you up. "I'm so sorry, little one," he says to you as you continue to gag. "Judy can you take Cookie to her play pen?" he asks.

"Of course," Judy replies as she picks a very mad Cookie.

Dr. Firwillikins brings you back to the crate and puts you in it. You immediately crawl to your corner and curl into a little ball. You were now in pain and hungry. You hear the doctor leave when you realize something. Cookie has a play pen and you were stuck in a crate.

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