Judy's True Colors

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You are peacefully sleeping when you feel your crate being shaken violently. You are scared and not fully awake when you hear talking. "Wake up!" says Judy in a hushed voice. "Who gave you these?" she says as she puts down your crate and opens the door. "These were with Cookie's stuff! You thief!" You quickly run away when Judy puts her hand in the crate to remove the blanket and pillow. You start to cry as she leaves the room, pillow and blanket in hand. You just wanted to take a nap.

Over the course of the next week you were continually bullied by Judy. She continually took things out of your crate, she refused to let you see the other rescues, brought you rotten food or no food at all, but the worst part is that you were getting sick again and she didn't tell anyone. The doctor was out for the week to make things even worse. Judy had full control of you during the week he was gone. You were probably in a worse condition than you were before you got here.

You are currently trying to fall asleep, hoping to die in your sleep. You felt awful. You were hungry, sick, and tired. As you let your mind wonder, your thoughts continuously went to the short pun loving skeleton. For some reason, you missed him. You thought about how worried he was for you when he first found you. He thought he was doing the right thing so you couldn't really blame him. Even though you couldn't blame him, you were still mad at him. If he had minded his own business you wouldn't be in this mess.

You are just about to go to sleep when you hear the door open. You try your best to ignore it. You wanted Judy to think that you were dead so that she can throw you out.

"You don't look good, Buttercup."

You turn around as fast as you could. You see Sans standing there with a worried expression which only deepens when he sees your face.

"What happened? You look worse then when I found you in Grillbz's alley." he says as he opens the crate. He sets his hand down, palm up, so that you could get on. Even though you didn't like him, you don't hesitate to climb on. For some reason, you felt safe with him. You hug his thumb for balance as he brings you to his eye level. Just as he was about to say something the door opens as Judy comes in with a plate of rotten food. She stops when she sees Sans holding you.

"What are you doing here!? No one is allowed back here." Judy says with a worried expression.

"You're not going to feed them that, are you?" Sans growls as his eye lights go out. Judy, now knowing that she was in trouble, tries to defend herself.

"N-no, of course not. I take pride in taking care of bitties." she says, looking at you with disgust. "But, you're not supposed to be back here." Judy says, trying to change the subject.

"Pride, huh? Then why are they in such bad condition?" Sans replies with a very calm voice. You however can tell that he was getting angrier by the second. 'Why does he care?' you think as you start to cough.

"Leave now! You are not allowed to be here!" Judy shouts, fear apparent in her eyes.

"Dr. Firwillikens said that I could visit Buttercup whenever I wanted" Sans says with a low growl. "So I am allowed back here." Judy's eyes widen in surprise.

"W-well as you can see, they are not feeling well and I need to tend to them, so you have to leave." Judy stutters as she starts to sweat.

"Last time I checked, you aren't a doctor," he says as his growl gets louder. Your coughing gets worse as you begin to feel even worse. Sans looks at you with worried eyes. Judy tries to take this chance to snatch you out of Sans' hand. A blue glow surrounds her as Sans' eye starts glows a blue and yellow as he glares at Judy.

"Don't. You, Dare. Do. That. Again." Sans roars as you shrink back in fear. He immediately notices this and tries to comfort you but before he could say anything you start to cough again. This time bringing up blood. Panic makes its way to his face as he moves to take you somewhere.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Judy yells. Sans takes one good look at her before throwing her into a wall. 'Karma is sweet.' you think as you let out a small smile for the first time in months. Sans notices this smile and calms down a bit.

"Let's take you to Dr. Firwillikins," Sans says as he takes you to the front of the shop. You nod and sit down in his hand. Even though he was a skeleton his hand was warm and comforting. You decide that now would be a good time to rest your eyes as you fall asleep.

"Wake up, Buttercup. We're here." You hear Sans say as he coaxes you out of your sleep. You rub your eyes tiredly and yawn. You look around and notices that you are in front of a small house as Sans knocks on the door. A few moments later Dr. Firwillikens opens the door. His smile drops as he sees your condition.

"What happened?" He asks as he brings you inside. "Judy was supposed to be taking care of them!"

"She's the one who did this." Sans says, anger in his voice. Dr. Firwillikens looks shocked but then regains his composure.

"Consider her fired," he says with anger. "I can't believe that she would do this." he mutters as he gives you a shot. You start to feel drowsy again and now knowing the routine, you fall asleep.

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