Nice Cream

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As you make your way home, you can't help but wonder what is going through Papyrus' head. His happy nature is no longer there and his usual smile is now a frown. He must feel awful for putting you in that situation. You didn't blame him for that way Undyne said nor the way she acted. You try to think of a way to cheer him up and that's when you saw him the nice cream guy.

You quickly move to try to get Sans' attention only to see that he is also lost in thought. You know you have to get Sans' attention if you want to cheer Papyrus up. The thought of cheering Papyrus up fills you with determination. You try to climb Sans' clothing to get to his shoulder. You are about half way there when he finally notices you. He quickly picks you up and brings you to his eye level. He stops walking as he looks at you worryingly.

"You okay, Buttercup?" he asks, his mind obviously elsewhere. You point to the nice cream cart and watch as his eyelights move in the direction your pointing to. "Do you want nice cream?" he asks. You shake your head. He looks confused at first but then you pointed to Papyrus. Everything seems to click as his face lights up. "Do you want to get Papyrus nice cream?" he asks. You nod you head and Sans chuckles. "Okay, Buttercup." he says. He then calls out to Papyrus.

"Hey Paps" Sans says snapping Papyrus out of his trance.


"What do you say we stop for nice cream?" Sans says. You watch as Papyrus' face light up.

"THAT'S A WONDERFUL IDEA, SANS!" Papyrus says with a smile.

"I know, but it was Buttercups idea."

As you make your way over to the nice cream you can't help but notice the smile on Papyrus' face and you can't help but smile, too. This did not go unnoticed by Sans. He blushes as he watches you sit down in his hand.Papyrus reaches the nice cream guy first and asks for an orange nice cream.

"What flavor do you want, Buttercup?" Sans asks. You shrug your shoulders and point to a random color.

"So you want blue, huh?" Sans says with a grin. You stare blankly at him before sighing and nodding your head. Sans turns to the waiting nice cream guy. "We'll have two blue nice creams." Sans says. The nice cream guy nods and pulls out two nice creams. One regular size and one bitty size. You stare at the bitty size nice cream in awe. You didn't know that they sold sweets your sized. Sans chuckles at your excitement as he pays the guy and grabs the nice creams. He puts you on his shoulder as he gives you your nice cream.

Papyrus had waited for you and Sans to get your nice cream before eating his. You were glad that he did so. The way that he ate his nice cream was so cute that you could help but giggle. Your laughing did not go unnoticed by Papyrus or Sans.

Sans stares at you with pure amazement. He is shocked that you laughed openly. Papyrus blushes at your cuteness and embarrassment. He is also the first one to recover.

"YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL LAUGH, TINY HUMAN." Papyrus says with the biggest smile. You look up at him with a shocked look. You hadn't realized that you laughed loud enough for the skeleton brothers to hear you. For not having any ears they had very strong hearing. You blush and hide in Sans' hoodie. You hear the brothers laugh at your shyness. You pout as you finish the rest for you dessert.

After a while you climb back onto Sans' shoulder. As you did so you realized that you were about two minutes from their house. You yawn sleepily as Sans and papyrus enter the house. Sans puts you down on the arm rest of the couch. You are not surprised when Sans lays down and falls asleep almost instantly. You sigh and look at Sans while shaking your head. After a little bit you climb off the arm rest and curl up next to Sans' head. You soon drift off into a deep sleep. You sincerely hope that you could stay this way but all good things must come to an end.

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