Getting Better... Or Not

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For the next two days you stay with Dr. Firwillikins. He had fired Judy like he said he would and Sans visits you from time to time. You were starting to like Sans. Unlike the doctor, he didn't mind that you didn't talk. Dr. Firwillikins was constantly trying to get you to talk and it was starting to annoy you. You are worried when you hear that you were going back to the shop.

When you went back to the bitty shop, you joined the other rescues instead of going back to the crate. You stay in a play pen instead. You have toys and puzzles to play with. Your favorite toy was a stuffed animal that you named Jerry. It was so fluffy and cute. It made for a great bed, too. You also met your new care taker. His name is Ray and he is extremely nice. Even though you have been with him for one day, you notice that he loves to dote on you. You are currently working on a puzzle when Ray comes in with a plate of fresh fruit.

"Hey, y/n." Ray says as he sets down the plate of food. "The other rescues bitties want to see you, is that okay?" he asks. You nod as you make your way to the food and nibble on a small chuck of banana. He smiles at you. "Alright, I'll be right back." He says as he walks out the door.

He comes back holding Luna, Apollo and Cookie. Sunflower is nowhere to be seen, neither is Feathers. You tilt you head in confusion. Seeing you confusion Ray answers your question.

"Sunflower's sleeping and Feathers getting a check up." Ray says as he puts down the others. "I'll be right back." he says as he walks out the door again. The others turn to you. Cookie immediately lunges at you. She tackles you to the ground and starts to punch you. Luna and Apollo just watch.

"What did you do to Judy?!" Cookie yells as she continues to hit you. You struggle to get out of her grip as she pulls your hair. Hot tears roll down your face. 'Why does this always happens to me?' you think as you try to fight back. You were tired of being treated like this. Why couldn't you get your happy ending?

"She won't stop 'till you tell her." Apollo says, his arms folded. You look at him with pleading eyes. He looks back at you with a cold glare.

"You did something to her and we want to know what." Luna says. She looks guilty about something and refuses to make eye contact with you.

"Everything was just fine before you showed up!" Cookie screams at you as she leaves another bruise. You feel your soul crack as they continued to insult you and as Cookie uses all her strength to hurt you. It doesn't take long for you to hear your soul break, startling everyone but you. Cookie stops to look for the source of the sound. You to feel yourself start to lose Hope as you slowly fall unconscious. You stay awake long enough to see Ray walk in, shock making its way to his face as his eyes widen in surprise. You don't know what happened next as unconsciousness delivers you from the pain.

You wake up in the back room. IVs and wires connect you to a beeping machine. You feel sore everywhere and try to sit up only to fall back down. You close your eyes as you hear someone walk in.

"Are they going to be okay?" You hear Ray ask.

"I don't know, they've been asleep for a week," says Dr. Firwillikins "I'm afraid that there's something wrong with their soul but we can't look at it without their consent."

"Why not? This is a life or death situation!" Ray yelps.

"It's something only mates and owners can take out of a bitty without permission." Dr. Firwillikins sighs as you hear him mess with the machine. "Let's just hope that they wake up. Sans was furious when he had heard what had happened."

You open your eyes and look at him. He looks tired and worried. He doesn't notice your staring until he turns around. Relief makes it's way to his face.

"You're finally awake," he says, tiredly. You see Ray perk up behind him.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me so much," Ray rambles with tears in his eyes. "I thought you were gone when I saw you covered in your own blood." You pale at the thought.

"Ray! Don't scare them!" Dr. Firwillikins says as he starts to get his supplies out. "Go tell Sans that y/n is awake his phone number is on the desk out front." Ray nods then leaves the room.

"Alright, y/n, may I see your soul?"

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