Having Fun

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It was about three days after Frisk first visit and you were waiting for Frisk to give you another lesson. They came everyday afterwards to teach you as much sign language as they could before you left. You were grateful for their efforts but you didn't see the point of learning sign language if you weren't going to stay. Even though you didn't see the need to learn you still tried your best anyway.

You are currently on the couch watching TV. Papyrus was out shopping and Sans was sleeping next to you. You start to hum your favorite song before you stood up and start do dance. It was a silly dance and you weren't trying to be graceful. You were having fun when you hear a chuckle. You immediately turn to see Sans wide awake and looking away with a blue hue covering his entire skull. You blush brighter then a tomato. Never in your entire life were you so embarrassed. You wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.

"You having fun there Buttercup?" you hear Sans ask. "You know, you really surprised me when you started humming. " You start to pout 'Awake? Whole time?' you sign to him. He looks at you with surprise.

"Looks like the lessons are paying off." Sans says as he avoids your question. "But you still need to work on your words." You don't know how but your blush becomes even brighter and you were sure, by this point, that you looked like a living candle. You curl up into a little ball to hide your embarrassed self. You hear Sans laugh and feel him poke you. you bat his finger away playfully as you try not to laugh. Sadly, Sans notices your sad attempt to muffle your laugh. "Are you... ticklish?" he asks with wide eyes. You immediately freeze and do something you haven't done in a long time, you glare at Sans. You watch as Sans' grin grows wider as he starts to connect the dots and your fear grows. He slowly reaches for you as you start to back away. You didn't know what to do. You weren't scared of Sans in the slightest, in fact you had grown a liking to the pun loving skeleton, it was the tickle attack that you knew was coming that you were afraid of. You smirk and run around the couch as he tries to grab you. As you jump to the arm rest, you suddenly feel yourself being picked up by a skeletal hand. You start to squirm in his hand for a few seconds before going still and excepting your fate. You spread out your arms and lie down in his now opened hand. Sans says nothing as he brings his other hand to your stomach. "You sure your okay with this, Buttercup?" he says. You think about it before nodding your head. "Okay." he says with the biggest smirk you have ever seen as he starts to tickle you.

You start to laugh as he tickles you. This tickle attack lasts for a few minutes but he makes sure to stop every few seconds in between to let you catch your breath. As he continues to tickle you, you hear a loud clicking sound that makes you and Sans freeze. Papyrus, Frisk and Toriel stand there with their phones out, obviously taking pictures.

"OH MY GOSH, SANS! YOU AND THE TINY HUMAN ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" Papyrus squeals as both you and Sans blush heavily.

"H-hey Paps, what is the kid and Tori doing here?" Sans asks as he tries to recover from being so flustered.


'Hello y/n' Frisk signs to you with a smile. You wave at them, still blushing. 'Ready for the lesson?' Frisk ask and you immediately nod.

"They're learning fast." Sans says as he looks at you fondly. "They were signing to me earlier. It wasn't the best but they're getting the hang of it." Frisk nods and takes you from Sans. They set you on the kitchen table before starting the lesson.

Toriel and Papyrus interrupt the lesson for dinner and pie. You hadn't realized that the lesson had taken three hours. After everyone ate, and not wanting to go home in the dark, Frisk and Toriel left.

"SANS! IT"S TIME FOR MY BED TIME STORY!" Papyrus says with stars in his eyes. "AND I WANT YOU TO READ ME THE FLUFFY BUNNY!" Sans chuckles at Papyrus and nods before turning to you. "Alright Paps." Sans says before looking over at you. "Do you think that Buttercup can join us tonight? Tonight's their last night with us." Papyrus' smile immediately fell.

"W-what do you mean 'last night'?" Papyrus says with a normal voice. You look up at Sans with a worried expression. 'Did Sans not tell Papyrus that I wasn't staying?' you think as you look over at Papyrus, it looked like he was about to cry. Sans notices this and walks over to Papyrus.

"I told you they were only going to stay for a little bit." Sans says with a frown. "I'm sorry, Paps, but they need to find a family."

"WE ARE THEIR FAMILY!" Papyrus yells at Sans as he runs to his room, leaving both you and Sans shocked.

"L-lets get you to bed, Buttercup." Sans stutters as he walks up the stairs. "Let me talk to Paps. We'll figure this out, okay?" he says with an uneasy voice. You nod as he sets you on the nightstand. He then walks out of the room leaving you with your thoughts.

You hear Sans trying to talk to Papyrus but Papyrus is only yelling through his crying and sobbing. You had no idea that you meant so much to the big skeleton. You sit down on your bitty bed and thought about the days that you spent with them. You start to cry yourself when you realized that you were attached to the brothers and didn't want to leave them. You thought of this place as home. You end up listening to Sans and Papyrus argue. You get the nagging feeling that this is the first time in a long time that the brothers have fought over something, and that something was you. That thought only made you cry harder. Soon the yelling stopped and you hear Sans come in to the room and lay down on his bed. You hear the uneven breathing slow down and become soft and gentle but you knew that he could still be awake. So you lie on your bed and try to fall asleep.

It took some time but you managed to put yourself into an uneasy sleep only to be awaken a few hours later by screaming. You jolt up to see Sans screaming in his sleep. You realize that he's having a nightmare and quickly make you way towards him, not caring if you put yourself in danger. When you reach Sans you put your hands on his skull in an attempt to calm him down.

After a bit, you hear Papyrus slam the door open and run into the room. He grabs Sans and tells him soothing words to calm him down. 'That's how he knows how to calm me down, he has panic attacks himself.' you think as you watch the scene in front of you. After Sans calmed down he apologized to Papyrus. Papyrus says nothing to Sans but gives him a big smile.

"IT'S NOTHING AT ALL BROTHER!" Papyrus finally says after a few seconds. "I AM SORRY FOR YELLING AT YOU EARLIER."

"Nah, it's cool I kind of deserved it." Sans says as you frown.

"NONSENSE! NO ONE DESERVES TO BE YELLED AT!" Papyrus says with a small smile.

"Where's Buttercup?" Sans ask with worry as he look around. His eyes soften as he finds you on his pillow.

"Thank Asgore your okay." Sans says as he picks you up and puts you on you bitty bed. "I'm sorry I woke you up, my nightmares can get pretty intense." 'It's fine' you sign as Sans smiles at you.

"Let's go back to bed." Sans says as you nod.

"GOOD NIGHT BROTHER!" Papyrus says as he runs out of the room "NIGHT Y/N!". You sigh as you get under the covers of your bed. You then slowly drift off into an uneasy sleep.

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