Back to the Beginning

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You wake up with a jolt and breathing hard. You had a strange dream about being adopted by an abusive person, escaping them, meeting a breathing skeleton, living with him, then dying. The thing was that it felt so real but it only a dream, right? You shake your head and look at you surroundings. You were in a bitty pen with 9 other sleeping bitties. It looked like you were in a shop. You also noticed that the sun was slowly creeping above the horizon. You jump as you hear something shift from behind you. You look over your shoulder and see that your only friend at the shop was waking up.

"Morning, bestie", they say as they rub their eyes tiredly. You open you mouth to speak but nothing came out. You bite your bottom lip and let out a sigh. You friend looks at you worriedly. "You okay?" they ask with a worried look on their face. You nod your head. They continue look at you with a skeptical expression. Just as they were going to say something else the door to the shop open. It was the owner of the shop but for some odd reason you couldn't remember their name. You notice that the other bitties were waking up and shivered in fear. This did not go unnoticed by your friend. "Are you sure your okay? You haven't spoken a word to me." they say. You open your mouth to try to speak but once again nothing came out.

"Good morning, bitties!" says the owner, "I hope you slept well." You look down at the ground and sigh. This was going to be a long day.

The day started out slow. Not a lot of people came in to the shop and only one bitty was adopted. Your friend was trying to get you to talk but for some reason you just couldn't. The other bitties also noticed you sudden change in personality. Even the owner noticed you odd behavior but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't speak a single word. You had tried to use the sign language from your dream. Imagine your surprise when someone understood what you were saying. It shocked a lot a people when they had learned that you knew sign language. You were confused by the fact that you learned correct sign language from a dream.

"Why didn't you tell me that you knew sign language?" your friend ask excitedly. You shrug, refusing to look at them. You yawn and decided that it was time for a nap even though it was mid afternoon and it was going to ruin your sleep schedule. You head to the bed that you had first woken up on and cover yourself in the blankets. About two minutes later you were fast asleep.

You woke up in the middle of the night. You tried to go back to sleep but you weren't tired. You decide to do some star gazing instead. You were near the window that gave you a great view of the sky. As you watched the stars, your mind started to wonder. You thought about you weird condition about suddenly not being able to speak, learning sign language from a dream, not remembering things that you should know. You just didn't get it. You sigh and try to focus on the stars.

'I wish Sans was here' You think. You shake your head 'No, he's not real, he is just from a dream.' you feel tears start to build up. 'But I wish he was.' You stay up watching the stars for the rest of the night.

For the next week everything went smoothly. People came in, bitties tried to get you to talk, the owner was getting worried about you. Yeah, everything was great. You were happily eating some kiwi when someone open the door. You froze as you look at who walked in. It was the person from your dream, the one that hurt you before you met Sans. You were scared but you knew that you never met this person before. But why did this feel so familiar? You watched as they walked around looking at different bitties. You froze when their eyes landed on you. They then turned around and walked to the counter. You allowed yourself to relax a bit but you had a bad feeling about this person. You felt yourself being picked up and you start to panic. You were placed in a box as you hear a voice talking above you.

"That's everything! I hope you enjoy your new bitty!" You hear the owner says.

"Oh I'm sure I will."

You get goosebumps as you hear the person speak, your new owner. Maybe your dream wasn't just a dream. Maybe it was something more.

Over the next month, you were beaten, stepped on, burned, shocked, cut, and starved. You were in so much pain but you had to wait. If you waited then you could meet Sans again. Just two more months and you could be happy again but the longer you waited the weaker you felt but you were determined to meet Sans. So you waited and when it was time to run away you did but when you got to grillby's it wasn't there, only an empty building. You didn't know what at to do. If Grillby's wasn't there then neither was Sans. Maybe they didn't exist or maybe something else was at play. In your dream, monsters were released almost three months before you met Sans. You sit down against the wall of the building and cried. For the first time in a very long time you wanted someone to hug you. You waited all that time just to be left alone. You fell asleep wishing for a chance to see Sans again.

When you woke up you realize that you are not on the streets but in a fluffy bed. You jump up in panic only to realize that you were in a bitty shop. Everything was exactly the same way it was when you had first woken up three month ago. It was like the world had gone back in time. You decided to call this a reset. You got off the bed and walked around looking for a way out. If you remember correctly you old owner should come in about a week but if you escaped then the chances of meeting Sans will be gone. You had to make a decision. You sat there thinking about what to do next when your friend hugs you from behind. You flinch violently as pain shot up you back. Your friend notices this.

"Are you okay?" they ask. You nod your head, trying not to move. "That's a lie," they say as they reach for the hem of your shirt. You panic and run away from them. After finding a good hiding place, you allowed yourself to rest. Your wounds from before the reset stayed. It's like you aren't affected by the reset. You didn't know what was going on but you did know that if the resets continue to occur them you might not survive if you continue to be "adopted" by your old owner.

26 resets later.

You were dying and not in the same way that you died the first time. This time your body was the one dying and not your soul, even though your soul was in terrible condition. It was almost time to go to Grillby's. You were beginning to lose hope of ever seeing Sans again. You didn't even bother to check if monsters were above ground anymore. You sigh as you look at your self through a broken piece of mirror. You were in such a bad shape. Your arm was broken and your back was in such a state you were surprised you could even stand, let alone walk. You shake you head and start to climb up the chair, jump over to the window sill and climb down the side of the house. You walk with your head down as you make your way to you normal spot near Grillby's building, when you smell something. it smelled like... burgers and fries. You lift you head with alarming speed as you realize that Grillby's was actually there. You smile for the first time in a extremely long time and your eyes light up in excitement and you try you best to run over to the building where you first meet the pun loving skeleton. You see the fry that you had eaten before the resets and once again you began to eat the fry. You were about half way done with the fry when you hear a voice.


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