Your Soul and His Brother

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You don't know what to do. A bitty's soul is fragile even when the bitty's in good health. You haven't checked your soul in a very long time so even you don't know what condition it's in. You hear Dr. Firwillikins cough as he tries to get your attention.

"Please, y/n, we don't know if your soul is stable" he says, worry lacing his voice.

You think it over and nod. He smiles as pulls out your soul. The moment he did you doubled over in pain and start to cough up blood. Dr. Firwillikins gasps as he hurriedly puts it back in your body. You are still coughing and gasping for air even after he puts it your soul back in.

"It's worst then I thought." Dr. Firwillikins mutters to himself as he rushes around trying to get the things he needs to help you. You knew at that moment that he didn't see your soul. If he did he would be in panicking a lot more.

You had caught a glimpse of your soul and it was in terrible shape. It was a dull grey with a s/c aura around it. Your soul had a huge crack in it that went down the middle, almost breaking it in half. Surrounding the huge crack, smaller ones covered almost all of your soul. You don't know how you were still alive. You did know that no one could ever know the true condition of your soul, it would only bother them. You would have to fix this yourself. You didn't want to be a completely useless.

You finally stop coughing but your shirt was now stained with red. Dr. Firwillikins comes to you with a lot of medical equipment. He sets them down right next to you and tries to pull out your soul again only for nothing to happen.

"Please, little one, I need to see your soul so that I can help you." He says. You shake your head and stand up. This went on for a while; him begging for you to show him your soul and you refusing. You're happily interrupted when Sans walks into the room.

"Are they okay?" Sans says, winded.

Dr. Firwillikins sighs, "They're fine, physically, but they won't let me see their soul."

"Is there something wrong with their soul?"

"When I took out their soul the first time they started coughing up blood."

Sans looks at you with worry. "Hey, Buttercup, how are you feeling?" he asks you. You sigh in frustration. You just want to be left alone. You look up at Sans and put two thumbs up. He frowns at you as he shakes his head.

"If you say so, Buttercup," he sighs as he turns to the doctor. You yawn and rub your eyes. Having your soul taken out of you took a lot of energy. Sans and Dr, Firwillikins notice this. The doctor coos at you cuteness and Sans turns a light shade of blue.

"I think y/n should take a nap before doing anymore test." Sans says as he puts a hand down so you could climb on. You climb on his hand, happy the topic of your soul is forgotten. Sans perks up as he gets an idea.

"Can they come home with me?" Sans asks. "I can take care of them and give them one on one time to help them."

"Absolutely," Dr. Firwillikins says, immediately agreeing with the idea. You look up at Sans with a confused. 'Why would he want to take me home?' you think, 'Is he going to hurt me?' Your small heart starts to speed up and you start to get nervous. Sans seems to notice this and gently rubs your head with one finger. You melt into his touch and immediately calm down.

"When can I take them home?" Sans asks as he continues to pet you.

"You can take them when ever they're ready," the doctor says with a smile on his face. Sans looks down at you. His permanent grin widens even more.

"You want to pack up your stuff and head out?" He says, joy lacing his voice. You nod as he starts to walk to the door.

When you get to you play pen you pack some clothes, Jerry, and a puzzle. Sans picks up your bag and puts it in his jacket pocket.

"Alright, now time to get you some food, a bed, some more clothes, and maybe a new toy." Sans says as he smiles at you. You nod as you start to hop on his hand. You climb up to his shoulder and, after making yourself comfortable, sit down. You hear Sans chuckle as he walks to the food section of the shop.

"Choose what ever you like," he says as he sets you in his hand so that he could see you.

When he sees you, he didn't know if he should laugh or be mad. You were looking at him with big eyes like you never had the choice to pick out what you could eat. Sure, you got food here but you never got to choose what you got to eat.

You pick out a variety of food, clothes and a bed. When you are done Sans takes everything to the cashier and was about to pay for it when Dr. Firwillikins stops him.

"You are doing me a favor by taking care of y/n for a bit, you don't need to pay for it." He says with a sweet smile. Sans thanks him and leaves the bitty shop with you and your new stuff.

"Alright, time to go home." Sans says, "hold on, I know a shortcut," you are confused but nod anyway. Suddenly you are taken to a place of black. You only see it for a second but you see someone in the middle of the black space. He looks like a skeleton but he had two crack on his face. One was going down from his eye to his mouth. The other was going from the other eye to the top of his face. The next second you are in front of a house. You are confused about what you just saw but you had other things to worry about.

"You okay, Buttercup? You look rattled down to the bone." Sans puns as he brings you up to eye level. You pout and refuse to look at him, the man in the black space momentarily forgotten. "Well, we're here. Home sweet home." He says as you look at the house.

It was a small two story home with two mail boxes next to it. For some weird reason, there was snow on top of the house. You look at Sans and point to the snow.

"Paps gave me the job of cleaning it off but I'm too lazy to do it," he laughs as he walks into the house. "Papyrus, I'm home, there's someone I want you to meet." He says.

"I'M IN THE KITCHEN, SANS." says a very loud voice that you guess is Papyrus. Sans makes his way to the kitchen with you holding his thumb for balance.

When you reach the kitchen you see a very tall skeleton in an apron that says 'kiss the cook'.

"WHO IS IT THAT YOU WANT ME TO MEET?" he says as he looks around.

"They're right here." Sans says as he looks down at you. "This is y/n. They'll be staying with us for a about a week but you have to be gentle with them, they're really sick."

"WELL IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU, Y/N" Papyrus says as he looks at you. You wave and he looks at you confused.


"We don't know," Sans replies and he sees you yawn. "I think that they should get some sleep."

You slowly fall asleep in Sans' hand as takes you to his room.

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