Shouldn't have waited

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Ok, so I originally wasn't going to post this one because I'm tired of all the Serena hate and I know this one will definitely get her some backlash, but I had the idea and so badly wanted to post something on here since it's been so long. 

I don't hate Serena. She is a sweet and kind girl. I'm just so sick of Amourshipping and that's what causes me to lash out with these stories. Again, nothing against Serena. It's just the ship I strongly dislike and a story idea I had a while ago. So, please keep the Serena hate to a minimum and enjoy my Pearlshipping story :)


It had been so many years since Serena had last seen Ash, but she never stopped thinking about him. But she had her dreams to think about, and for the time being, that was her top priority. She would always wait for him, and keep her heart from anyone else until she could fully give it to him. So, she waited for that very day to come.

Until finally, after all her travels, contests, and finally winning the title of Kalos Queen, she felt ready to be with him. So, she decided to visit Kanto to look for him. She knew it would be a good place to start since it was his home region.

She was beaming with excitement as she made her way about the new region. Serena was so sure that, even after all these years, he had been waiting for her, just like she had done for him.

"I can't wait to see him. I'm sure he just as wonderful as the last time we saw each other." Serena chirped.

That's all she could think about as she searched for him. She was so excited, and was absolutely sure that nothing could ruin her great mood.

However, she was in for quite a surprise when she finally found him.

It was in Pewter city when she finally stumbled upon the famous Raven haired young man. She spotted him standing outside the gym with his back to her. He seemed to be waiting for something, but Serena didn't care what it was. She was just overjoyed to see him.

"Ash!" Serena yelled.

She ran up to him, ready to spill the feelings she had kept in for so long. Ash turned around at the sound of his name, and Serena was pleased to see he looked even better than before. However, when she saw a little girl settled comfortably in his arms, she froze.

'Who...who is that?' Serena thought in a panic.

Ash raised an eyebrow at her in confusion, but his eyes soon widened in realization.

"Serena? Is that you?" Ash asked.

Serena nodded slowly, still in shock at the sight of the small child. The little girl just watched Serena curiously.

"Wow, it's been forever. How have you been?" Ash asked.

Serena didn't reply to him. She just stared at the little girl anxiously.

The little girl looked to be about 3 years old and had ruffly raven colored hair like Ash, that was pulled into two tiny high ponytails. her complexion was a bit lighter than his, but her eyes were a pretty shade of sapphire blue. She had on an adorable little blue dress with matching shoes.

As much as Serena wanted to believe this was just a relative he was babysitting, part of her knew better.

"Serena?" Ash waved a hand in front of her face.

"I'm sorry." Serena shook her head. "I must have zoned out. Who is this little girl?"

"Oh, this is Isabel. My daughter." Ash answered proudly.

My Pearlshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now