Darkness vs the light of love

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Hurried footsteps echoed through the lab, in pursuit of a particular room.

'I have to hurry!' Dawn thought as she ran through the lab. Dawn finally found the room and burst through the doors. "What happened?" Dawn panted as she approached Misty, May, Iris, and Serena.

May stepped forward "We don't know, but...he is corrupted again."

"A-again?" Dawn choked. "Where...where is he? Where is Pikachu?"

"Pikachu had to be kept at the Pokémon center, for our safety, as well as his." Misty answered.

They all stepped aside to show a large containment unit with a one way window and a control panel. Dawn walked up to the window to see the damage. Dawn was shocked by what she saw. Ash, her best friend, the most kindhearted person she had ever met, was locked in a cage, and there was a dark aura surrounding him. The very sight was enough to shake the poor Sinnoh coordination, to the core.

"Ok, girls!" May announced. "I've been talking with the professors and it's clear that one of us needs to go in there. One of us who could get through to him. Someone who loves him." May looked to the three girls facing her, for Dawn was still staring into the window. "Misty?"

"No, I got over him a long time ago, and I'm happily in a relationship with Tracey." Misty responded.

"Iris?" May asked.

"Nope. I liked him a bit back when we traveled together, but I'm with Trip now." Iris answered.

"Serena?" May rooked to her.

"Sorry, but I realized that I never really loved him. It was more the idea of him. Besides, I'm with a really sweet guy now." Serena replied. May sighed. "What about you, May?"

"I never felt that way about him, I only ever had feelings for Drew and I'm in a relationship with him now." May remarked.

"I-I'll go in." Dawn piped in, turning toward her friends.

"Are you sure?" Misty asked.

"Yeah, it could be rough in there." Iris stated.

"Yes, I'm sure. Even after all this time...I still love him." Dawn assured.

"Ok, but we need to set up somethings first." Professor Juniper declared, entering the room.

"Yes, we need to make sure everything is safe." Professor Rowan added. "And that we can contain what ever is corrupting him."

"How are you going to do that?" Misty asked.

"With a little help from us." Meray announced.

"Meray!" Serena chirped. "It's so good to see you. How is Hoopa and your brother? What are you doing here?"

"Both are great, and I'm here to help. That bottle that held the evil side of Hoopa can do the same for the any evil spirit inside Ash." Meray answered. "So once that is done, my brother and I can take it far away."

"But, how will you take it without being corrupted yourself?" Serena worried.

"Well, thanks to your boyfriend's invention from last time, it will be a piece of cake." Meray guaranteed.

"Hehe yeah." Serena giggled.

So, the professors plus Meray got to work, making the necessary adjustments to the containment unit. Once these additions and adjustments were made, they were ready for Dawn to go in. Dawn stood at the doors of the unit, waiting for it to open. When the doors opened, she stepped inside, and waited for the second set of doors to open. The first doors closed behind her.

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