Operation matchmaker

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"Ok ladies, you all know why you're here, right?" May asked.

"Of course." Misty replied.

"Naturally." Lyra clapped her hands together.

"Maybe. Though I'm still confused as to why I'm here." Zoey answered.

"You're here to help us get Ash and Dawn together. Plus, on the off chance most of our plans fail, we were hoping to use your boyfriend as part of the plan." May explained.

"Already. Let's hear it." Zoey motioned form them to continue.

"Right." May laughed.

May motioned for them to come closer and began to explain the many plans they had come up with. Sure some of them were ridiculous and over the top but that's why there were multiple plans. That and it was super fun to play matchmaker for their friends. Escape when they were both pretty dense and wouldn't admit it.

"So, are you in?" May asked. They all nodded in agreement. "Alright, then let's get started with plan A."

The four girls quickly got to work with their first plan: the romantic scene.

They put together a little picnic on the beach that would over look the sunset. Misty called and asked Ash and May text Dawn to meet at the beach before sunset.

The four girls waited in the distance for the two arrive. Ash and Dawn soon arrived but were very confused to see each other instead of the friend that told them to come here.

"Hey Dawn, what are you doing here?" Ash asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Dawn giggled.

"Misty called me here but wouldn't really tell me why." Ash replied.

"May did the same thing to me." Dawn muttered. "Why do you think they asked us here?"

"I have no idea." Ash shrugged.

"Come on. Look at the picnic basket. Look at the set up." May begged from her hiding spot along side the other girls. "Please. One of you notice."

"May, keep it down or they will see us." Misty warned.

"Well, since you're here...you want to hang out?" Ash asked.

"Sure." Dawn smiled and leaned a bit close.

"Yes!" Misty and May cheered.

"Race you!" Dawn challenged before running off.

"Hey! No fair!" Ash laughed as he ran after her.

"Oh come on!" May complained. "It was right there and they didn't see it!"

"Ok, so the first plan didn't work. What now?" Zoey asked.

"Plan B?" Lyra pipped in.

"Plan B." May replied.

So they did. The tried to set them up with so many romantic moments but Ash and Dawn were completely oblivious to it. May was in a frustrated disbelief, Misty was not at all surprised, Lyra was disappointed with their lack of progress, and Zoey was pretty calm about the hole thing.

"Ok, we have been at this for days. What do you suggest we do next?" Zoey casually sipping her drink.

"I don't know!" May threw her head on the table.

"Yeah, we have used just about all our plans." Lyra pouted.

"If only Ketchum wasn't so dense." Misty grumbled.

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