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Okay, so a few things before I start. 1) The town name is complete made up. 2) Lee is an OC that you are welcome to hate on if you so desire. 3) in case I forget to mention it, this story takes place in a future where it's just Ash and Dawn traveling together and Pokémon journeys didn't happen. 4) thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy :) 


After many long days of traveling, Ash and Dawn had just arrived in Greenbury town. It was a small town that not many have heard of, but rumor was that it had a great battle tournament. The second Ash heard of it, he wanted to compete.

And since there weren't any contests coming up, Dawn agreed to join in too. Plus it was always fun to cheer Ash on when he was competing.

"Aw, man I can't wait! What do you say we try to find someone to battle, Pikachu?" Ash asked enthusiastically.

"Pika!" Pikachu replied with the same energy.

Dawn smiled at the over eager duo. They never failed to be so energetic when battles were mentioned. Unless they ate themselves into a food coma. Which hasn't happened as much as when they first traveled together, but it still happened.

"Maybe we should get registered for the tournament first. We don't want to miss the check in time." Dawn pointed out.

"Oh, right." Ash chuckled. "Let's go!"

With that, he took Dawn's hand and lead her deeper into Greenbury town. They searched high and low for the host of such a big tournament. However, the town was much bigger then they thought and they couldn't find the location the tournament.

"Where could it be?" Ash wondered aloud.

"I don't know. Maybe we should-"

"Hey you! Dude with the Pikachu!" A voice called from behind them.

Ash and Dawn turned around to find an unfamiliar guy smirking at them.

He was an attractive guy with shiny, sleeked back, blond hair and bright orange eyes. He sported some very stylish clothes as well. But what was most surprising about him was the herd of love struck fangirls that crowded around behind him.

"Who are you?" Ash asked.

The guy scoffed in annoyance, but it's fangirls looked absolutely outraged. All the girls began to crowd around, ready to straggle Ash for his obliviousness.

Ash jumped back in surprise with his hands up in surrender with Pikachu mimicking him out of fear.

"You don't know who he is!?"

"Are you insane?!"

"How could you not know!?"

"Have you been living under a rock?!"

"You are a disgrace!"

Thankfully, Dawn got between them before anything bad could happen.

"Hey, there is no need for that, okay? This is our first time in this town, so we don't know anyone here." Dawn explained.

The girls backed off to their previous spot behind the guy, but still weren't happy.

"See, ladies. I knew there had to be some reason they hadn't heard of me. Especially for a sweetheart like that." The guy winked at Dawn.

Dawn wrinkled her nose in disgust at his advances and Ash gritted his teeth. Who did this jerk think he was? But before either could say a word, he took that moment to introduce himself.

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