Ambipomp's visit

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It had been a while since Ash and Dawn has heard any word on Ambipom and the ping pong tournaments. Now, Ash was in Kalos and Dawn was in Hoenn. Despite their distance, though, they kept in touch. Whenever Ash and crew where at a Pokémon center, Ash would make it a priority to call her. Not that Clemont, Bonnie, or Serena knew about these calls.

As the four entered a town after a while on foot, they headed for a Pokémon center. On their walk, something caught Ash's eye, and he halted. It was a poster of a Pokémon ping pong competition.

"Brings back memories, right?" Ash smiled to pikachu.

"Pika." Pikachu agreed.

"Ash?" Serena sounded, wondering why he had stopped.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about old memories." Ash grinned. 

He then rejoined them on the walk to the Pokémon center.

"Let's get our room." Clemont announced, strolling up to the front counter.

"Ok, you do that. I need to do something." Ash remarked and darted off to the center's phone booths.

He didn't wait for his friends to reply. Once in a booth, Ash called his dear friend, the bluenette coordinator he once traveled it. After a few calls, he got a hold of her.

"Hey Ash! Hi pikachu!" Dawn greeted, when her cheery face appeared on the screen. "How are you?"

"I'm great! I just won my 7th gym badge and am so excited for my 8th. What about you? Anything new?" Ash answered, upbeat as ever.

"Yeah, a lot of great news actually." Dawn smiled. "I have won my 5th ribbon with months to spare until the grand festival. I was thinking about going on a small trip. A little vacation as a reward for my Pokémon, for all the hard work they have done for me."

"Oh, that reminds me. I saw a poster for a ping pong tournament on my way here. Have you heard anything about Ambipom, lately?" Ash asked.

"Actually, yes." Dawn answered. "He said Ambipomp is doing great, but she really misses us. That's actually where was planning to visit."

"Really? That's great. Where are they?" Ash questioned, happily.

Dawn gave a knowing smile and remarked "Well, I was going to have it be a surprise, but I guess I can tell you. It's in Kalos!"

"Wow! So I will get to see you and Ambipomp?" Ash quizzed excited.

"Yeah." Dawn giggled. "I fly out there later tonight."

"That's amazing! I can't wait to see you." Ash smiled.

"Same here. Well, anyway, I should get going. See you tomorrow." Dawn returned the smile. "Bye Ash."

"Bye Dawn." Ash said as the screen went black. "Isn't it great that we get to see Dawn tomorrow, Pikachu?" He asked as he walked back to the group.

"Pika pikachu!" Pikachu cheered in agreement.

The trainer and his Pokémon partner exited the booth and returned to the group.

"Hey, Ash is back!" Bonnie declared.

"Yeah. I'm back." Ash chuckled.

"Who did you call? That sure did take a long time." Clemont questioned.

"Just an old friend." Ash responded, a huge smile formed.

"Sounds like more than just an old friend." Bonnie chirped, very intrigued. "Who is she?"

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