No need to worry

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Ash couldn't believe it, even as the facts stared him harshly in the face. Pikachu got hurt, really bad, trying to protect him. He stared through the glass of the Pokémon center room that Pikachu lay in. His buddy and best friend from the very beginning, always by his side, no matter what, lay near motionless on the bed.

Ash had been on his way home from his journey in Kalos when it happened. It all happened so fast, Ash didn't even have time to think of a counter attack or see the Pokémon responsible. Pikachu took a devastating hit and he hadn't woken up since.

"Ask Ketchum?" Nurse Joy asked as she exited the room.

"Yes." Ash replied. "How is Pikachu?"

"Well..." Nurse Joy began, her voice worrying. "...Pikachu was sliced deep on one of his cheeks...and the force from what hit him...let's just say there's just a lot of damage."

"B..but he will be ok...right...right?" Ash stuttered, trying to keep calm.

"As long as you stay strong, I know he will be ok." Nurse Joy tried to give a reassuring smile.

Ash hung his head. He had hoped to hear something better, especially after his loss at the Kalos league. He didn't feel strong. Not now.

"Thank you for telling me...I...I am going for a walk. I'll be back later." Ash muttered and walked out of the Pokémon center.

He walked aimlessly for a while, but came to a stop when he realized he was in the forest. Once within the secluded green cover that the forest provides, Ash collapsed on a fallen long and let it all out. He cried. He cried for his lose at, yet, another league and that his best buddy was hurt. Tears flowed like rivers down his cheeks and he didn't care.

Ash didn't cry often, especially not like this. Usually, before he could even get this emotional, one of his friends would make him feel better, but now he was alone. Ash wiped his face with the back of his hand, wishing he had someone right now.

At the thought, a certain girl popped into his head and more tears rolled down his cheek. "'s times like this...when really I need you to tell need to worry." Ash whispered.

Out of the girls he has traveled with, Dawn was always there to cheer him up. No matter what was wrong with him, she was there. Oh, how he missed his blunette best friend and her contagious smile. Cheering each other on, their training together, the show she put on after his loss to Paul, even their fights he missed. What he would gave to see her again.

"Ash! Ash! where are you?" Ashe turned. He could believe his ears. It couldn't really be her, could it? After everything, could luck be shining on him. Then, suddenly, Dawn herself appeared. "There you are!" She ran to him, capturing him in a hug. "I was so worried."

"W...what are you...doing here?" Ash asked. He still couldn't believe it was really her.

"I came to visit you and see how you were doing after your lost. But you weren't home. So, I thought I could try to meet you half way. Just like when we first met. Then...when I got here...Nurse Joy told me what happened. Ash I'm so sorry." Dawn whimpered. Ash tried to be strong, he tried to hold it together in front of her and Dawn could feel it. "Let it out. I'm here for you. Everything is going to be ok. No need to worry."

It was those words, those four simple words that broke him and gave him hope, all at the same time. He latched onto her like his life depended on it and he sobbed, using her for support. She held him tighter, trying to make him feel better, in any way she could.

"It will be ok. You don't have to be strong all the time. Especially after all that has happened." Dawn whispered.

"I...I've...missed much." Ash managed between cries.

My Pearlshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now