Can't fall for My best friend...or can I

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"Ash sweetie! Some of your friends are here to visit you!" Delia called from the front door.

Hurried footsteps and crashing sounds followed, but Ash and Pikachu made it to the door.

"Who is it?" Ash asked, collecting himself. Delia stood aside to reveal Misty, Brock, May, and Dawn smiling to their cap wearing friend. "Wow! It's great to see you guys."

"We know." Misty chimed. "And we wanted to invite you out to lunch to catch up."

"Sure!" Ash answered and ran back to his room to change. "Just let me change real quick.

They all laughed as he hurried back into his room, and crashing into various things as he went.

"Would you like to come in while you wait?" Delia offered them.

"That's alright Ms. Ketchum. We will just wait out here." May replied.

"Alright. It was nice seeing all of you. Have a good time." Delia smiled before closing the door.

"So Dawn, now that you have seen Ash again, how do you feel?" May asked.

"What! What do you mean?" Dawn boomed, blushing at the accusation.

"Oh come on Dawn. It's easy to see." Misty smirked knowingly. "You talked about him almost nonstop on the way here."

"That's absurd! He is my best friend. I can't fall in love with my best friend." Dawn argued.

"Dawn, the heart wants what it wants. Obviously there is something you see in him. I know I see something special in every beautiful girl I fall in love with." Brock piped in. He then proceeded to tell Dawn about every girl he has ever fallen in love with and why.

Misty and May exchanged a smile. Today, they were going to help Ash and Dawn by playing matchmaker.

"Hey guys!" Ash greeted, exiting his house. All his friends turned to him smiling, but Dawn was red in the face.

"Pika." Pikachu waved to everyone from Ash's shoulder.

"Hey, you ok Dawn?" Ash asked.

"I'm fine. Let's go!" Dawn turned and began to walk.

May and Misty smiled, knowing they had already gotten to her.

"Yeah. Let's go." Misty waved for them to follow.

"After all, that food isn't going to eat itself." May added.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Ash remarked and ran to join them.

They walked to the little cafe where they had planned to have lunch. Misty and May took full advantage of this opportunity. May talking to Dawn and Misty talking to Ash.

"What was that?" May asked Dawn.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dawn played dumb.

"Come on, you were totally blushing at Ash." May pointed out.

"I...I don't know. Since you said something...I cant stop thinking about him. He is amazing and really cute. I can't help it." Dawn admitted, the blush returning.

"So, you really can fall for your best friend?" May smirked.

"I...I guess I can." Dawn mumbled.

The rest of the conversation between May and Dawn died, but just behind them, Ash and Misty walked.

"Hey, Ash have you managed to win the heart of any special girl?" Misty chirped.

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