By your side forever

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This was it. A day they would change their lives for the better. It was Ash and Dawn's wedding and everyone was so excited. Everything was looked perfect as all waited for the bride and groom to finish getting ready.

Though, both were really worried and their friends had to step in and calm them down.

"Ok, ok, nothing to worry about...right? I's just my wedding." Dawn laughed nervously.

"Exactly." May rested her hands on her friends shoulders. "Your wedding with the man you love."

"Everything is set up and looks great. There is nothing that could go wrong. We made sure if that." Zoey assured.

"'re right." Dawn took in a deep breath. "I just need to breathe."

"And while you do that, we will finish up your makeup." May remarked.

Dawn nodded slowly and two of her bridesmaids worked on the finishing touches of her hair and make up.

Meanwhile, Ash was also really nervous. He was pacing around the small room as Pikachu watched.

"Pika pi?" Pikachu announced.

"I...I don't know. I just...I don't know." Ash sighed and plopped into a chair. "I'm so nervous!" There was a sudden knock at the door. "Come in!"

"Hey Ash, how are you doing?" Brock walked in.

"Nervous." Ash replied.

"Not surprising." Drew followed behind. "Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day."

"You weren't." Ash stated.

"Oh believe me I was REALLY nervous." Drew smiled as he recalled his own wedding not long ago. "But I was more excited and happy to have May as my wife that I forgot about being nervous. So, trust me when I say that once you see Dawn, you will forget all about being nervous."

"I hope you're right." Ash muttered.

"Hey guys, it's about to start." Clemont peeked his head around the door. "They need us ready."

"Right." Ash breathed. "Let's do this."

With that, the groomsmen and groom went to the altar to wait for the bride.

"Ok, done." May remarked.

"I'm finished back here too." Zoey added.

"That's good, because it's time." Iris declared from the door.

With that, Dawn took in a deep breath.

"Ok. Let's do this." Dawn smiled.

Soft music played as they waited for it to officially begin. Ash was still really nervous and kept fidgeting with his tie. Then, the music changed, signaling it was time for the bride.

First came Buneary in a cute little dress, spreading flower petals as she bounced down the aisle. Then, there were the bridesmaids: Iris, Zoey, and May slowly made their way down the aisle and finally, it was time for the bride.

She was in a beautiful flowing, shimmering gown. It was lovely yet simple. A pretty vale hung around her face, framing it nicely with her dark hair. A pretty bouquet of white roses and gracidea flowers. It took Ash's breath away and all his nervousness melted away.

"You were right Drew." Ash smiled. "One look and no more nerves."

Drew chuckled and nodded but said nothing.

Just like Ash, The moment their eyes met, all her fears were gone. She didn't care how stunning the room was, how many people had come, or how perfect everything was. Because, she was marrying the man she loved and that was all she needed.

Once she arrived at the altar, she handed he bouquet off to May and took Ash's hands.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the unity of Ash Ketchum and Dawn Berlitz. If anyone should object, speak now, or forever hold your peace." There was a short pause. "Now, the bride and groom have written their own vows. So I'll leave it to them."

Pikachu stepped forward, holding the small pillow with the two wedding rings.

"Keep in mind, this might not be the best but hear me out." Ash whispered to her. Dawn giggled in response. "Dawn, we have had our ups and down and been through great wins and huge losses but there is no one I'd rather go through life with. We helped each other grow and you inspire me like no one else. I do best with you by my side..." Ash took one of the rings from Pikachu and slid it on her finger. "...I promise to stay by your side for the rest of my life."

Dawn was on the verge of tears at this point but had to blink them away.

"That was better than I could have hoped." Dawn beamed.

"I'm glad." Ash smiled warmly.

"Now it's my turn." Dawn closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She opened them as she began her own vows. "Ash, I want to start by saying I love you. I love you for the wonderfully, dorky boy I first met and the truly wonder man you have grown into. I am so honored to be calling you not only my husband, but my best friend. The man who makes me happy just by being by my side." Dawn took the other ring for Pikachu and put on on his ring finger. "That is how we will your side, forever."

"You may kiss the bride."

With that said, Ash and Dawn leaned in for the kiss that sealed their marriage. The new couple payed no mind to the cheers and clapping of their guests. All that mattered to them, was their love and that they would stay by their sides forever.


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