She really cares

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Misty, May, Dawn and Iris were busy chatting about all kinds of things. They were chatting about their Pokémon, their travelings, the people they met while on their travels, and eventually, the topic of crushes and relationships came up.

"While I did have my first crush, but I'm now happily in love with Drew!" May squealed in delight. "He really is the best boyfriend. Even with our rivalry."

"I kind of know what you mean. Trip has changed a lot for the better since traveling together. He is such a gentleman now." Iris smiled, with a blush.

"And Tracey has been so sweet to me." Misty sighed dreamily. "I really love him."

"Oh! You do?" Dawn asked, kind of worried.

The three gave Dawn a curious look. "Why do you ask?" Iris questioned suspiciously.

"Yeah, why would you care?" May added.

" you like Tracey!" Misty yelled, angrily.

"What!? No, I don't like Tracy, I swear! It's just..." Dawn trailed off, a blush dusting her cheeks.

"Just what?" Iris quizzed.

"You can tell us." May assured.

"Yeah." Misty smiled.

"Well, I...kind of fell in love with Ash..." Dawn admitted.

"Really!" Iris chirped happily.

"That's so amazing!" Misty cheered.

"You're going to tell him, right?" May questioned.

"No." Dawn answered.

"What! Why?" The three shouted in unison.

"Because-" Dawn began to explain but was interrupted.

"If you wait to long, you could lose him." Iris argued.

"And confessing would make you both so happy." May gushed.

"Don't you want that? You just need to take a chance." Misty stated.

"Because I know that he doesn't feel the same." Dawn retorted. "Ash has feelings for someone else."

"How do you know that?" Misty asked.

"He told me." Dawn replied.

"Who is this girl?" May growled.

"Yeah!" Iris added. "We will go have a word with her."

"I can't say. He made me promise to keep it a secret until he made a move." Dawn stated, sadly.

"Can you at least give us a hint?" May asked.

Dawn shook her head, and the three pouted. She then noticed the raven haired trainer approach the group, in his Kalos attire and Pikachu was absent. Dawn knew what was coming and it wasn't going to be good.

"Hey, girls." Ash greeted.

"Hello." That all chimed in unison.

"Um, Misty, can I talk to you for a second?" Ash asked.

"Me?" Misty pointed to herself, surprised. Ash nodded. He nervously lead her a bit away from the group. "So what do you want to talk to me about?"

Ash took in a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Misty, I have to tell you...after all this time, I have come to realize you are very important to me. I...I love you." A blush covered his face, and a hopeful happy smile curved up his mouth.

My Pearlshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now