Make a choice (heavily edited)

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After a lot of persuasion, a girl by the name of Madison, had finally convinced Ash to be in a relationship with her. It was an ok relationship, but Ash wasn't really into it. No matter how much Ash didn't seem interested. He cared, just not that way. Madison didn't mind as long as she could call him hers.

Though, she was less excited when some of Ash's old friends stopped by to see him. He would drop everything to spend time with each friend that came by. What made things even more frustrating was that they came by one at a time. It even seemed like that planned it that way, just to mess with her.

After first, Madison let it slide. They were his friends after all and they didn't seem interested in something beyond friendship with Ash. So there was nothing to worry about.

Besides, Iris, May, and Misty made it very clear that they had boyfriends, so Madison wouldn't have to worry. It actually wasn't until Dawn came by for a visit, that Madison had a problem. Ash and Dawn were close. Really close.

Too close for Madison's liking. Today, she was determined to get Ash to herself. She had made herself even cuter and went off to find him. She spotted him in the Pokémon center lobby by the door. With her brightest smile, she approached her boyfriend.

"Hey Ash, do you want to go to lunch with me?" Madison asked.

"Sorry Madison, but I promised Dawn that we could do some special training today. Maybe another time." Ash shrugged and went to go join Dawn.

Madison glared at the bluenette as Ash walked away with her. Why was he spending so much time with her anyway? Madison was his girlfriend, Ash should be spending his time with her, not Dawn.

She didn't spend hours fixing her long red hair into a messy but elegant bun, picking out the perfect yellow sundress and applying makeup to her face for Ash not to notice and go off with some other girl. This was the last straw!

From that moment, Madison decided that she was going to put that bluenette in her place. No one steals her man, no matter who she is.

However, Dawn had absolutely no idea she was causing problems. She wasn't even aware that Ash had a girlfriend. In her mind, she was just hanging out with her best friend. Even if she had developed feelings for him, for her, this was just them catching up.

Currently, the duo had just finished a tough training match and were on their way back to the Pokémon center.

"That was a super fun day Ash. Thanks for inviting me." Dawn chirped.

"Of course, Dawn. Anything for you." Ash remarked.

The two smiled to each other and chatted about other things until they got back. Once they arrived, Ash turned towards the front desk.

"I'm going to go give my Pokémon to Nurse Joy and run back to my room. I'll met you back here in a few, okay?" Ash informed.

"Alright. I will too." Dawn smiled.

So, the two went and gave their Pokémon to Nurse Joy to be healed. After that, Ash went off to his room to change. His clothes did get pretty dusty during the training match.

Once Ash was gone, Madison took her chance. She stormed up to Dawn, visibility angry.

"Hey you!" Madison barked. "Stay away from my boyfriend!"

Dawn jumped at the sudden accusation. At first, she wasn't even sure the girl was yelling at her. But after a quick glance around, Dawn realized no one else was around.

"What do you mean? I don't even know your boyfriend. Even if I did, I'd never try to steal him." Dawn held her hands up in surrender.

"Liar! Ash is my boyfriend! Not yours! So stay far away from him! He doesn't owe you anything!" Madison yelled.

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