Nightmare without you

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It wasn't long after their adventures in Alamos Town that Dawn started having nightmares. However, she never told her friends. She didn't want them to worry and they weren't every night nor were all of them too bad. The only thing that the dreams had in common were the presence of a particular boy. Ash Ketchum. Her long time best friend, and now crush.

If she had a nightmare, he was in it. Not all of them were bad though and most of the time, she could easily calm herself down and go back to sleep. However, there were times when it was really bad. Like waking up in fits of sobs and being to frightened to go back to sleep. But, those were rare.

So, it was a big, and rather unfortunate, surprise when the nightmares hit so hard when she came to visit him. Especially when they had so much fun that day.

She would wake in from dead sleep in fits of screams and cries. It felt so real and it terrified her.

"Dawn! Are you ok? What's wrong?" Ash raced to her.

"Ash! You're alive!" Dawn cried.

She threw her arms around him and buried her face against his chest. She began listening to the steady beat of his heart and it did help to calm her.

"What do you mean? Of course I am. What happened?" Ash asked as he hugged her back.

"I...had an awful nightmare." Dawn muttered. " almost..."

More tears poured down her face as the images of him dying before her.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Ash assured.

Dawn nodded against his chest. After a few calming breaths she was finally able to calm down.

"Sorry for waking you." Dawn sighed as she released him. "Let's just hope it doesn't happen again."

"Again? Does this happen often?" Ash worried.

"Yeah. I've been having them since Alamos but most of the time they aren't too bad. It's just...sometimes...they're like tonight and I can't even think of going back to sleep." Dawn explained.

"Well, of it helps I'll stay with you until you fall back asleep." Ash offered.

"No, it's fine. I've kept you up long enough. I don't want to be a bother." Dawn replied.

It was silent and still for a moment.

"Hey Dawn?" Ash broke the silence.

"Yes?" Dawn questioned.

"You could never be a bother. Of course I'm staying here until you fall asleep." Ash smiled. "No need to worry, right? Just try to sleep and if you have another nightmare I'm right here."

"Thank you." Dawn hugged him once again before settling back into the bed.

It took a bit of time but she did fall back asleep and stayed asleep. Ash stayed by her side the whole night, even if he did fall asleep himself.

That morning, Dawn woke up feeling fresh and well rested. That was probably the first time she had gotten such good sleep after a nightmare like that. She turned to thank Ash for staying but he wasn't there. So, after a quick shower, she went down for breakfast.

"Good morning." Dawn greeted Delia.

"Good morning Dawn. Did you get back to sleep ok?" Delia asked.

"Yeah, sorry if I woke you." Dawn apologized sheepishly.

"It's fine. Would you like some breakfast?" Delia offered.

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