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It was yet another grand festival that had come and gone and yet another one Dawn had lost. However, she wasn't thinking about that now.

Dawn stood on the balcony of the hotel she was staying at in Sinnoh. The night air was chilly, but not too much for the coordinator. Her mind drifted to her cap wearing friend, that she secretly had a huge crush on.

The way his chocolate brown eyes sparkled with joy when something good happened. His kind heart and determination to do what's right, no matter what. It always made her smile.

"I miss him." Dawn breathed into the night air, sadness dripping from each word.

"Piplup?" Her Pokémon partner asked, with a mixture of wonder and concern.

"Oh,'s just...Ash..." Dawn replied slowly, not turning toward her partner.

"Lup?" Piplup tilted its head.

"I miss him, a lot." Dawn sighed. "I...I thought we had such an amazing connection. We trusted each other, and supported each other, so much. The fun times we used to have together. I...I love him. I wish I had the chance to see him again. Maybe even tell him how I feel." Dawn paused, her eyes drifting down to the ground below, her eyes gleaming with tears trying to escape. "I'm going to bed. See you in the morning Piplup." She turned and walked back into the room.

Piplup frowned, not liking his trainer being so down about it. "Piplup! Pip-lup pip Lup Lup." (Wait! Call him, tell him.)

Dawn stopped at the door way. "I...He is probably having fun with his new friends now. Just forget it Piplup. Good night." She then continued her pace until she was able to collapse into bed.

Meanwhile, in Kalos, Ash was having the same problem. His mind was occupied by the blue haired coordinator, rather than his loss at the Kalos league.

Ash had thought about her since leaving for Unova, but since coming to Kalos, he has thought of her a lot. Especially after meeting Serena. The performer made him miss even Dawn more.

Everything from Dawn's vibrant crystal blue eyes that glittered when she completes a combination perfectly. The way her soft blue hair would blow in the breeze. Her beautiful, radiant, smile that even the sun couldn't compete with.

Ash was sitting outside his tent, staring at the starry night sky. "I wonder what she's up to." Ash muttered aloud.

As he gazed at the dark night sky, he began see Dawn in the stars. One of her cheering him on, another of her laughing, and even one of her with bed head. He averted his gaze, and ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Ug! Why can't I stop thinking about her." Ash grunted.

"Pika?" Pikachu cooed sleepily, when he hoped out of the tent.

"Oh, sorry buddy. I didn't mean to wake you. I'm just...thinking...about Dawn." Ash admitted. "And I can't stop."

"Pikachu pika pika pika chu?" (Why don't you call her tomorrow?) pikachu asked.

"Hmm...maybe, but...what if she doesn't really want to...ya know?" Ash babbled, sheepishly. Pikachu rolled his eyes. "I'm serious."

"Pika-chu pika." (Then talk to her.) Pikachu urged.

"Yeah, maybe tomorrow." Ash remarked with a yawn. "It's late, I'm gonna get some sleep."

Ash stood up, and went back to his tent. Pikachu took a final look into the sky before joining his trainer in the tent.

Back at the hotel, Piplup glanced sorrowfully at Dawn. She was hurting in a matter of the heart. Piplup knew such a thing hurts deeply, from experience. An idea came to the penguin Pokémon, but he would need help. So he snuck into the room and grabbed Togikiss's pokeball. However, he accidentally released Buneary as well.

My Pearlshipping one shots (still on going)Where stories live. Discover now