Stole my line

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 It's years into the future and Dawn had come to visit Ash. This was supposed to be a special time. One the two would never forget and always remember fondly.

However, yet another disaster unfolded in the Pokémon world and once again, the responsibility was placed on Ash's shoulders. Even if this was probably one of the most dangerous situations to ever arise, Ash was determined to save everyone.

"I have to take care of this. Take Pikachu for me." Ash quickly shoved Pikachu into her arms.

"No! Ash!" Dawn yelped in protest.

He stopped a moment and turned back to her. "I'm sorry but I have to do it. I have to save everyone. Even if it means the end for me."

"Ash...please..." Dawn begged, a few tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey, look at me." Ash cupped her face. "No need to worry, right?" Dawn just stared at him and he looked to his Pokémon partner. "Protect her buddy. She's really important to me." He gently kissed her forehead. "Goodbye you two."

"That's when I worry the most." Dawn whispered into the wind.

After that, he ran off to do what needed to be done. Crowds of people bumped and pushed her back as Ash ran into the mess. Dawn just stared off after him until he was out of sight.

Now, everything had calmed down and all was quiet. When he didn't come back, Dawn knew had to find him before it was too late.

"Ash! Where are you?" Dawn yelled for him.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu called.

They did that for what felt like hours and they were losing hope. What if they couldn't find him? What if there was nothing to find? Oh that's thought nearly broke her heart.

"Pika pika." Pikachu suddenly sounded, breaking her from her thoughts.

Dawn followed the Pokémon deeper into the woods. That's where they found him. Laying lifelessly on the ground.

"No...Ash..." Dawn raced to his side. "Ash wake up." She shook him but he remained motionless. "Ash..." tears weld up in her eyes. " have... wake have to."

"Pika..." Pikachu's ears dropped in sadness.

All they had been through together, it didn't seem right for it to just stop. All the good and bad memories they shared flooded into their minds. There Dawn and Pikachu sat, crying for the loss of their dear friend.

"Ash." Dawn cried as she took his hand and brought it to her cheek. "I know I wasn't always the best traveling companion and I want to thank you for sticking by me. Some of the best times in my life have been spent with you by my side." She paused for take in a much needed breath. "You all the time...the years we have known each other...I...I fell in love with you. Every part of you." She ran her fingers threw his messy hair. "I have to admit, I didn't like your messy hair at first. But it's just another thing that makes you who you are and I wouldn't change a thing...because you're amazing." She tried to wipe away the flowing tears but it was pointless. "You have always been by my side when I needed you most...and I need you please wake up Ash. I beg you!"

Dawn buried her face in her hands to try and cover the sobs. It was hopeless. There was no way he was coming back and that reality shattered her heart.

"Pika pika." Pikachu nuzzled against her.

"You told me there was no need to stole my line...and you couldn't even..." Dawn sobbed.

She was to heartbroken to finish. She picked up Pikachu and hugged him. Everything was quiet for a moment, aside from her crying. But they were in for a wonderful surprise.

"Mew Mew."

Dawn opened her eyes and her eyes widened at the sight of the mystic cat Pokémon. Dawn never imagined that she would be one to see such a Pokémon.

"Mew?" Dawn questioned in disbelief.

Pikachu slipped from her arms and quickly began talking to the Pokémon, begged it to save Ash. Dawn quickly joined in.

"Mew, is there anyway you can save him?" Dawn begged. Mew only titled it's head. "Please bring him back to me."

"Pika pi pikachu pika!" Pikachu added.

Mew looked between the three and nodded.

"Oh thank you." Dawn remarked.

Mew hovered down to Ash's body and sent a surge of energy through him. When the light faded away, they watched mew fly away and waited for Ash to wake up. He slowly began to stir and opened his eyes.

"See, I told you there was no need to worry." Ash breathed out.

"Ash!" Dawn pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm so happy you're alive! Even if you stole my line."

"Yeah." Ash smiled as he wrapped a weak arm around her. "But you stole mine too." Dawn only laughed through her tears as she held onto him. Ash slowly regained his strength as they sat in each other's embrace. "I heard everything you said."

Dawn stiffened a moment and slowly pulled back to look him in the eyes.

"And how do you feel about what I said?" Dawn asked.

"Well, I think you are wrong." Ash stated.

"What?" Dawn blinked in surprise.

"You are one of the best traveling companions I have ever had." Ash smiled.

"Gosh! You had me worried." Dawn lightly punched him on the arm.

"Now, as for my feelings...I must admit that I'm in love with you too. I have been for the longest time. We may have had our troubles but they never lasted. You have inspired and helped me through some of my toughest challenges. I know that with you, I feel stronger and when you are by my side we are unbeatable." Ash smiled warmly.

"Oh Ash." Dawn beamed. "Your the sweetest."

"Only for you." Ash remarked as he pulled her close.

Dawn leaned in as they got closer, until there was nothing left between them. They kissed, trying desperately to show the other just how much they meant through it. It was loving, sweet, tender, and would have lasted forever if given the chance. Though the kiss might have had to stop, their love sure didn't. It never would.


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