All these admirers and I only want you

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It was Valentine's Day and many of Ash's admirers had decided to tell him their feelings, in hopes of spending the day with him. Maybe even get him to be their boyfriend.

Little did any of them know, Ash's heart already belonged to someone else.

"Hey Ash, happy Valentine's Day!" Macy chirped.

She had a huge smile and was hiding something behind her back.

"Hi." Ash faked a smile.

This was the third girl to come to him with a Valentine gift and/or proposal and he was trying to be polite while also hurry it along. After all, he had someone he wanted to confess to as well and it wasn't Anabel, Angie, or Miette.

"I have something for you." Macy pulled out a box of chocolates from behind her back. "There the best chocolates I could find and I think they deserve to be given to someone special to me and you are. So...Ash...will you be my valentine?"

"I...I'm sorry Macy, but I can't. I'm in love with someone else and you deserve something better than I can give." Ash replied.

"Oh..." Macy looked down sadly. "Well...Misty is a lucky girl."

"It's not Misty, but I hope she thinks so. Anyway, I have to go find her. Bye and good luck finding a Valentine." Ash said over his shoulder.

"Bye." Macy muttered.

With that, Ash continued his search for the girl who stole his heart.

Meanwhile, Dawn was also having trouble navigating through her many admirers. She had already, as gently as she could, rejected Paul, Conway, and Barry. She didn't like to do it, but her heart belonged to someone else and she wanted to tell him that.

"Hey De-de! I need to talk to you." Kenny called.

"Oh no." Dawn muttered under her breath.

She new exactly what was coming and the last thing she wanted was to hurt her childhood friend. She slowly turned toward him and tried to smile.

"Hi Kenny. What are you up too?" Dawn asked.

"Well, I wanted to tell you something...important." Kenny began. "And seeing that it's Valentine's Day. I think it the perfect time." Dawn could tell he was nervous, and she only felt worse. "Dawn, I have always had a crush on you when we were younger but...those feelings have grown...I guess what I'm trying to say is-"

"Please don't." Dawn begged.

"What?" Kenny questioned.

"I'm really, really sorry Kenny. But...I don't feel that way about you." Dawn replied. Kenny was clearly hurt by what she said. "I can't tell you how sorry I am, but I know it would be worse if I led you on and I can't do that.

Kenny put his hands in pockets and stared at the ground.

"It's okay. I understand." Kenny muttered.

"Hey, I hope we can still be friends." Dawn gave an assuring smile.

"Yeah. I'd like that." Kenny returned the smile.

"Thank you. But I'm sorry to say that I have to go." Dawn declared.

"Ok. Good luck with your own valentine." Kenny gave a sad smile.

"Thanks." Dawn blushed and ran off.

But this time, instead of running around and tiring herself out, Dawn texted him and asked to meet up before dinner time. He agreed. This gave her time to get ready and prepare what she was going to tell him.

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