Not just his jacket anymore

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It was a chilly night as Ash and Dawn made their way back to the Pokémon center. Pikachu drowsily set upon Ash's head. They had a fun day together. Some training here, some snacking there, and whatever other fun they could think of. But now, it was late and cold and they had a bit of a walk before they got back to the Pokémon center.

"Man it's cold." Dawn grumbled, rubbing her arms in attempt to keep warm.

Ash hummed in thought. He wasn't really cold but he didn't have a lot that he could give her. Until his eyes landed on his jacket.

"Here. This might help." Ash dropped it over her shoulders.

"No, it's ok. I don't want to to get cold." Dawn protested.

"It's fine. I'm not really that cold. Besides, you need it more than I do." Ash assured. "Take it until we get back. I don't want to worry about you getting sick."

"Thank you." Dawn smiled.

"Of course." Ash returned the smile.

As they continued to walk, Dawn pulled the jacket a bit tighter around her and took in the pleasant warmth. It was really comfortable too. No wonder he wore these all the time. They chatted as they continued on.

"Finally, we are here." Dawn beamed. "Now we can get some rest."

After giving their Pokémon to Nurse Joy for some much deserved rest, they went to their rooms. Though, Dawn forget to return his jacket.

It wasn't until she got out of the shower and was dressed in her light blue tank top and shorts pajamas that she noticed laying on her bed. At first, she just stared at it as she brushed her hair. Once she put the brush down she picked the jacket back up.

"I should probably return this." Dawn ran her thumbs along the fabric.

But she didn't. Instead she kept it with her. Dawn couldn't help it. The jacket was so warm and soft and smelled like Ash. Even if they weren't together, she was very much in love with the boy. She couldn't help it.

Dawn put it on and zipped it up, once again relishing it the wonderful warmth. She then curled up in the bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

In Ash's room, he too had taken a nice shower and changed before plopping himself into bed.

"Ah, that's better." Ash stretched his arms.

There was a sudden knock at the door and Ash sat up.

"Come in." Ash called, assuming it was Dawn.

"Chansey?" The door creaked open to reveal Nurse Joy's right hand Pokémon with his, as well as Dawn's Pokémon in hand.

"Pika!" Pikachu chirped as he jumped over to join Ash on the bed.

"Hey buddy." Ash rubbed his best buddy's head.

"Chansey Chan." Chansey sounded.

"Right. Thanks." Ash got up and took his Pokéballs from her. There was another tray of Pokéballs. "Oh, are those Dawn's?" Chansey nodded. "I'll take them and give them to her. You can count on me." Ash took the other Pokéballs.

Chansey then turned and went back to the front desk. Ash set Dawn's Pokéballs to the side and went back to sitting in bed.

"All rested up buddy?" Ash asked his little yellow friend.

(Yep! But are you?) Pikachu asked.

"What do you mean?" Ash titled his head.

(What happened to your jacket?) Pikachu pointed to the discarded clothes.

"Oh yeah. On the way back, I gave it to Dawn because she was cold." Ash replied. Pikachu gave him a smug smile in return. "Well don't just keep it yourself. Out with it."

(When are you gonna tell her how you really feel?) Pikachu asked.

"I don't know." Ash buried his face in his hands. "I keep meaning to tell her, but I just get so nervous. What if she says no? I could ruin our friendship."

Pikachu rolled his eyes. (Well, why don't you do get your jacket and tell her then.)

"That's not necessary. I'm sure Dawn would have returned it if she wasn't already asleep. I don't want to wake her." Ash scratched the back of his head.

(Sure.) Pikachu stated.

"Let's get some sleep." Ash pulled the blankets over him.

Pikachu rolled his eyes once again before curling up by the pillow on the bed. The two fell asleep soon after.

The next morning, Ash woke up early thanks to a small zap from Pikachu.

"Pikachu..." Ash groaned. "Why did you do that?" Pikachu didn't answer. He only opened the door and ran out. "Hey, where are you going? Get back here."

Ash jumped out of bed and ran after Pikachu. He found him in front of Dawn's door, knocking it with his tail. Ash went up and snatched the Pokémon up in his arms.

"Got ya." Ash remarked just as the door opened.

Ash blushed at the sight before him. Not only did Dawn have her hair down with majorly adorable bed head, but she was also wearing his jacket. Dawn was wearing HIS jacket.

"What is it, Ash?" Dawn yawned.

Ash was at a lose for a moment before he was focused enough to reply.

"Looks like it isn't just my jacket anymore." Ash chuckled.

"What?" Dawn asked. But then it clicked as she looked down. "Oh!" Dawn squealed with a bright blush.

She suddenly shut the door to hid away. Ash chuckled a bit from he opened the door. He saw her sitting back on the bed with her bright face hidden in her hands. Dawn felt the shift of the bed as he sat in front of her. He gently removed her hands so he could see her beautiful face.

"I'm sorry for not returning your jacket." Dawn muttered. "It's just so warm and soft."

"Dawn it's fine." Ash assured. "It looks good on you, anyway."

"What!" Dawn squeaked and the blush growing darker. " really think..."

"Of course." Ash smiled. He noticed Pikachu from the corner of his eye. The Pokémon was motioning towards Dawn. His way of telling his trainer to finally make a move. "In fact..." Ash leaned forward a bit as he tucked a strand of her blue hair behind her ear. "...I think you should know something."

"What?" Dawn whispered.

"I'm in love with you." Ash answered.

He was so close to her, but wouldn't move closer. Ash waited for Dawn to respond. For her to give some indication that she either felt the same or didn't. Dawn couldn't take the silence or the distance any longer. He said that he loved her, and she wasn't going to waste another second.

Dawn leaned in the remaining distance and kissed him. They pulled each other closer as they kissed and just held each other. The two were in their own little world, and payed no mind to the cheering Pikachu beside them.

"I love you too." Dawn breathed.

"I thought so from that kiss." Ash grinned. "So, now that I know you love me, there is only one thing left to ask."

"And what is that?" Dawn questioned.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Ash asked.

"Of course." Dawn beamed. "But, I do hope you know that this isn't just your jacket anymore."

"I don't mind." Ash smiled. "As long as I get to have you, that's all that matters to me."

Dawn giggled a bit before she kissed him again. "You are so cheesy. I love it!"


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